over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

In the next major, it's planned to have a new version of Helicopter PvE for the lowest rank Helicopters that have no ATGMs / poor weponary, such as the AB205 and H-34s. So there will be 3 main versions of the mode BR wise.

Targets will be adjusted to suit their capabilities.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Store packs are frequently removed to not clog up the store with too many packs as Grom has explained before. We sometimes return them for GE for periods of time.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We don't exclude the possibility of removed store packs being returned as GE premiums over time. It has happened before in some cases.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Please provide the clog and replay in the report, then I can forward it

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Replays save time as we can check for any other issues within the session and review the matter in more detail. They also give us the detail we need for the session ID (as well as the clog). Including a replay into a report can be done in less than 30 seconds, but can save hours of time sometimes. So its always beneficial where possible. In the case of this issue, even more so.

Generally client is always fine (as we can get the session ID from that to get the server one too if we need), but it never hurts to include the server replay link if you have it

You dont need all the split down sections, just the base replay.

The report has been forwarded now.