In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website
special section[warthunder.com].
Bury no bombs
Buried bombs deal no damage? Such a surprising thing might be observed after the introduction of the entrenching mechanics. A locked and c*cked bomb fell right in front of you and might find itself dug into the ground with a dozer blade on your tank, with no explosion after it. This odd feature is fixed, however you can still cover your tank from fragments if the entrenchment is deep enough
Dig wisely and safely with the all new
terrain shaping[warthunder.com] mechanics that appeared recently!
Unlinking of tracks from AI tanks
Players in “Assault” mode were the first to note a strange thing with the tracks on AI tanks. When one of the caterpillars was broken, the AI vehicle continuously tried to move forth, pivoting at one point, while the tracks remained motionless.
Such a persistence could only be envied, but not here. The bug is fixed for good.
Sinking fire
Probably, some of the crewmen had a really bad day and literally burned out? Or how to explain that a sinking tank might catch fire after it drowned? Nobody knows. Neither could we, so we just prevented that mysterious case from happening in future. Fixed.
More improvements
For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list which we have prepared in the separate changelog - there are many interesting things.
Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted in our bug report section on the War Thunder forums.

- A bug has been fixed where a nearby bomb might fall below ground level during tank self-entrenching.
- The incorrect display of broken tracks on AI vehicles has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed where a ground vehicle may catch fire after drowning.
Ground vehicles
- Т26Е5 - armouring has been specified:
- Hull top and bottom;
- Lower front armour plate - angle has been changed in the damage model. Visual correction will be implemented later.
- Central area of the upper front plate has become voluminous.
- Gun mantlet has become voluminous, with thickness values specified.
- MGM-51B/C - a bug has been fixed that prevented overpressure damage. (report[forum.warthunder.com])
- Me 410 B-6/R3 - The FuG-202 radar has been changed to FuG-200 (report[forum.warthunder.com])
- Su-6 (all series) - separate bomb drop and rocket launch has been introduced.
- A-7D, A-7E, F-8E - test flight is now from a carrier’s deck
- A-7D - 250lbs Mk 81 bombs have been added to the default armament.
- B3C — rear turret armament suspended in the air near the tail has been fixed.
- A bug has been fixed where destroyed vehicles at the bottom of a bomb crater might be displayed with artefacts when observed from a gunner’s sight.
Naval- USS Mitscher - the display of detonation in the stern gun shell rooms has been fixed.
Server Update 10.11.2021
Changes to the scoring with statistics pointsIn the “Ground Breaking” update we seriously reworked many mechanics for the mission scoring, as well as rebalancing values and multipliers for actions in different vehicles in different game modes. Now, based on the statistics gathered,we’re ready to change certain values and multipliers to bring the accrual of mission score to the target indicators that will help bring activity to the desired level (already present for most of the vehicle types before the “Ground Breaking” update released).
Ground vehicles, in all ground vehicle gaming modes:
- Basic mission score for destruction of an enemy ground vehicle (with zero difference in BR) has been increased: 150 → 180
- The mission score added in the score pool for capturing points for each additional capturer has been increased: 100 → 200 (i.e. the full capture of the enemy point by two players previously granted by (300 + 100) / 2 = 200 points for each, now increased to (300 + 200) / 2 = 250 points for each).
- The mission score awarded for successful active scouting: 3 → 5
- The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for critical hit of a scouted enemy vehicle has been increased: 15 → 20
- The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for the destruction of a scouted enemy vehicle has been increased: 45 → 60
- The mission score awarded to a scout vehicle for the destruction of an enemy vehicle after another scout’s intelligence has been increased: 15 → 20
Ships and boats, in all naval gaming modes:
- The mission score awarded for every point of damage inflicted to the enemy has been increased: 0.15 → 0.18 (i.e., destruction of a boat is now awarded with 216 points instead of 180, and the destruction of a destroyer — 396 instead of 330)
- The mission score awarded for a captured point has been increased: 175 → 200
- The mission score added to the score pool for capturing points for each additional capturer has been increased: 58 → 67 (i.e. the full capture of the enemy point by two players previously granted by (175+58)/2 points to each, now increased to (200+67)/2 points)
- The minimum mission score awarded for a captured point has been increased: 58 → 67
- The mission score awarded for destruction of an enemy has been reduced: 40 → 30
- The mission score awarded for assist has been reducedу: 15 → 10
For aircraft in air AB:Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
- Rank I: 1.7 → 2.5
- Rank II: 1.6 → 2.1
- Rank III: 1.2 → 1.4
- Rank IV: 1.0 → 0.85
- Rank V: 1.0 → 0.7
- Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.65
- Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.6
For aircraft in air RB:Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
- Rank I: 1.3 → 1.7
- Rank II: 1.1 → 1.2
- Rank III: 1.0 → 1.1
- Rank IV: 1.0 → 1.0
- Rank IV: 1.0 → 0.85
- Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.75
- Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.65
The mission score awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles and fleet under AI control has been reduced by 25%.
For aircraft in air SB:Mission score multipliers for damage and base destruction depending on vehicle rank have been changed:
- Rank I: 1.7 → 2.2
- Rank II: 1.4 → 1.6
- Rank III: 1.0 → 1.3
- Rank IV: 1.0 → 1.0
- Rank V: 1.0 → 0.9
- Rank VI: 1.0 → 0.85
- Rank VII: 1.0 → 0.8
- Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for enemy destruction has been increased: 360 → 450
- Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for assisting in enemy destruction has been increased: 240 → 300
- Base (at zero BR difference) mission score awarded for critical enemy damage has been increased: 120 → 150
- The mission score awarded for the destruction of ground vehicles and fleet under AI control has been reduced by 25%.
- A bug that caused helicopters to receive 2.5 times more mission score for actions against AI controlled vehicles with the release of the “Ground Breaking” update has been corrected.
- The respawn cost for each of the two Beaufighter Mk 1 (40mm) armour piercing belts has been halved.
- A bug that caused some belts with armour piercing less than 40mm at 500m for the Type 99 Model 1 cannon to require respawn points similar to armour piercing belts has been fixed.
- A bug where some belts with armour piercing 40mm and at greater than 500m for some cannons (NR-30, GSh-6-30, Type 30-1, MK 103, GAU-13/A) didn’t require additional respawn points has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.