over 3 years
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At the time it had that, it was still WIP (which was made clear on the stream) and undecided if it would be an export model or Soviet model. On the stream it was made clear the loadouts were not final.
At the time it had that, it was still WIP (which was made clear on the stream) and undecided if it would be an export model or Soviet model. On the stream it was made clear the loadouts were not final.
I was referring to the case of the PFM. Not the SPS-K. A report has been submitted already and until the developers have fully investigated, its not confirmed or denied.
Grom is the store team. He is not responsible for any potential bugs on vehicles. We are aware of the issues on the vehicles and they are being investigated.
Indeed, but not bugs and as I said, they are known under investigation.