The Ystervark is a light South African mobile anti-air unit, developed during the mid 1980’s as a result of changing military doctrine.In War Thunder, the Ystervark will be a new light SPAAG unit awaiting all tankers at rank III of the British ground forces tree in the next major update coming soon to the game. At first glance, the Ystervark boasts a rather unimpressive arsenal: just a single 20mm GAI C01 autocannon, fitted to a fully rotating open turret on the back of the vehicle’s loading area. However, being a variant of the Oerlikon KAD cannon, already present on some vehicles in the game such as the R3 T20, the Ystervark’s 20mm cannon also has a very impressive rate of fire and superb ballistic properties. As such, these qualities make the gun very pleasant to operate and provided armour-piercing ammunition is loaded, the cannon can also become a threat even to more heavily armoured vehicles at close range.

Meet the Ystervark SPAAG in the upcoming War Thunder major update “Ground Breaking”, coming soon to rank III of the British ground forces tree. In the meantime, make sure to stay tuned to the news in order not to miss out on the latest developments regarding the upcoming major update. Until then, happy hunting tankers!
Check out the full Dev Blog article here![]