In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website
special section[warthunder.com].
A large complex new feature transformed War Thunder battles, that didn't mean that we lost our attention on it even after the release.
We have already added many fixes to it - removed objects that remained in the air, fixed bugs relating to the entrenchment of some vehicles as well as artifacts that appeared on certain platforms (including MacOS). We also worked on performance, improving it noticeably as a result and fixed some related client crashes.
There are still more details on which we are working. At the moment we are still working on fixing the vibration of vehicles inside modified ground. We will keep you updated.
Added a protection map for consoles
In the “Ground Breaking” update, we added this new feature to the protection analysis - a “protection map” button. Although these mechanics sound similar, this new thing is pretty interesting. It builds on the armour of the vehicle that you are looking at, a map of vulnerable areas that can be hit by a selected shell type: it is no longer necessary to shoot manually at the entire vehicle to figure out which areas would be better to “hide” from the enemy. Highly convenient!
Today the “protection map” also appeared on the console version of War Thunder. Have fun exploring it!
Returned the belt choice for premium aircraft
Good news - this bug only appeared in test flights. The bad news is that it did occur. In test flight the weaponry belt selection didn’t work on premium aircraft in the reference modification.
Thanks to your bug reports we learned about this issue and quickly fixed it. have fun getting acquainted with the vehicles.
Fixed the display of textures
Something went wrong in this update. We fixed the textures of airfields, the decorations from the “bushes” section disappearing at some angles and the mesh screens on the vehicles. We also returned the missing textures of machine guns in turrets, the textures of some aircraft and missiles and even put back textures that were blocking the sight view in SB game mode.
A bit of retrospective
Immediately after the release of the “Ground breaking” update we gathered the initial feedback from the community that included your complaints about the bugs that showed up. If you encountered any of these - it is already fixed. Once again - thank you for the feedback that you leave under the announcements of major updates on the website and in the special thread on the forum.
We fixed a bug where the air respawn point in combined realistic battles appeared 15 kilometers away from the battlefield. Now the remote respawn point only works in battles involving top ranked aircraft - BR of 7.7 and higher.
Returned small ground units to aircraft AB, such as light pillboxes, machine guns and cannons that suddenly disappeared.
Restored the proper operation of the aircraft radar warning system (RWR) which might have failed to activate when, for example, your helicopter has been detected by enemy radar.
Promptly fixed the interface for helicopters - right in the first hour after the release of the major update and made many other important fixes so that nothing would prevent you from enjoying the “Ground breaking” update.
More improvements
For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list which we have prepared in the separate changelog - there are many interesting things.
Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted in our bug report section on the War Thunder forums.
Ground vehicles
- A bug on several vehicles where a tank sight couldn’t be used in SB game mode because it was covered with textures has been fixed.
- A bug with the possible re-appearance of grass with repeated entrenchment has been fixed.
- A bug where after entrenching, some objects in the location design like stones, boards etc might remain hanging in the air has been fixed.
- Strv 103С — the possibility of entrenching with a blade not connecting to the ground has been fixed.
- ZLT-11 - the gun depression angle has been increased from -4.5 to -5 degrees. Armour penetration has been increased and the ballistics have been recalculated for the DTW-2-105 round (previously it used the values of the DM63 shell). The modification ‘Laser rangefinder” has been updated to “LWS/LR”, since this vehicle had a laser warning system.
- T26E5 - magnification of the gunner sight has been changed from the fixed multiplier x5 to a variable multiplier 4x-8x. Source[forum.warthunder.com]. The thickness of the central bulge on the upper front plate has been increased from 162 to 242mm. Source[forum.warthunder.com]. The “Artillery strike” modification has been removed, since the vehicle is classified as a heavy tank.
- The ability to use the night vision channel from the gunner view with the AA machine gun sight has been revoked for all vehicles, except for those with NVD for an AA machine gun: XM-803, MBT-70, KPz-70, Leopard-2K, 2S25M, Challenger 2 (2F).
- A bug that caused the RWR (radar warning system) on aircraft to not respond to radar detection has been fixed.
- A bug with the disappearance of the HUD on helicopters in some instances has been fixed.
- The night vision mode toggle has been fixed for seeker cameras on guided bombs when used with surveillance and targeting pods.
- Harrier GR.3 — ammo capacity of the 30mm ADEN cannons in the preset with the chaff/flares pod has been corrected.
- F4U-4 — separate bomb drop has been added for the 2x1,000 lbs preset.
- Hunter F.6 — a bug with the display of the SRAAM rocket protective caps in the preset with no secondary armament has been corrected.
- F7F-1 / 3— separate bomb drop has been added.
- AIM-9L - explosive weight and type have been specified from 3.54kg of HBX to 3.175 kg of the PBXN-102 (report[forum.warthunder.com])
- R-23T - the cyclogram of the missile reaching maximum overload has been specified.
- A bug where defensive turrets on some aircraft were not able to rotate has been fixed.
- Thunderbolt (PT-556) - the ability to toggle ammo types on the auxiliary calibre (37 mm) has been introduced.
- USS Mitscher - flooding dynamics have been corrected. A bug where masts were seen above the water surface after the ship was sunk has been fixed.
Other- A bug where some textures might disappear has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.