Happy Lunar new year to everyone! To help everyone celebrate we have added some new items to the Steam item store.
First off, throughout the Lunar New Year celebration everyone will be able to craft a set of throw-able firecrackers to make a racket. Traditionally set off to scare away evil spirits, many people would set them off when opening the front door before they went out. We somehow doubt these will scare off a dedicated door camper but you can try!
New Year Gong A very large, very loud gong. You can hit it or shoot it and even play music on it as the note changes based on where it is struck.

Rat Mask To celebrate year of the rat we have created a beautiful bronze and gold Rat Mask. Similar to last years Dragon Mask, it replaces the wolf headdress.

Fireworks We've added three styles of fireworks which come in two different packages. The Small Fireworks package contains Roman Candles and Volcano style fireworks but if that isn't big and loud enough for you we've added a Large Fireworks package which contains Mortar style shells which create huge colored starbursts in the sky and can be seen for many miles. In addition to 5 different colors, the the Large Fireworks package also contains a Champagne style Mortar which creates the largest and most impressive display of pyrotechnics.
In addition to this year's new items, we’ve added two items from last years sale back to the item store, the Dragon Door Knocker and the Chinese Lantern
The Igniter is a new IO entity that you can use to ignite nearby items - including Fireworks, Campfires, Furnaces, Lanterns, unexploded Beancan grenades and Satchel Charges. While powered the Igniter will automatically start spraying out sparks, igniting anything in a radius that it has line of sight to. Use them to wire up remote firework displays!

Much like the Tesla Coil, the Igniter takes damage while it's running so you won't be able to run it forever without repairs.An item like this would usually be released in a start of month update rather than an event update but we felt that the Igniter would be really useful for setting off fireworks so we brought it forward to this update.