over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Ive read them all and all the information has been forwarded to the developers.

As I said on the website, a thorough review into everything is currently taking place to ensure its done correctly.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not always. Sometimes we have ships in certain configurations or representative of a certain period. Other times, we may be using references that indicate a particular modification if it.

I dont think thats the case with Shimakaze per say, but just as a general example.

Well dev blogs depict things still in development. Often they are still not fully finished. In this case, it generally seems to be something more serious. But considering we have over 200 ships now in game and this is the first time something like this has happened, errors can and do indeed occur.

With that said, the very fact it is only at the dev blog stage and things are now under review, means the whole ship can undergo another review for any further issues to ensure its as accurate as possible on release.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Unfortunately when creating realistic models of these types of vessels of this size and scale, putting them in a realistic setting and trying to simulate intensely complicated factors, there can indeed be errors.

But thats why there is no other game that has as many playable ships in a realistic setting with integrated aircraft combat on joint maps in the way War Thunder has.

We are working to improve all elements every time, but from almost every perspective, Naval is the most technically challenging.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We dont just add content. If you review the last 3 majors alone, you will see the majority of fixes, improvements and changes went into Naval and that wont be stopping anytime soon.

We have and always will do. The whole life span of the game has included this, from the development of Ground Forces and the various pre-cbt Naval tests that changed it from the core early build to what it is now.

Dev Blogs are thankfully as they say, still just development blogs. The ship was not fully finished anyway and now it will be taken for a longer review and any corrections made.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The team is always expanding for sure and we always appreciate the communities help and input

This one slipped under the radar unfortunately, but will hopefully now be put right.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nothing in that topic changes what I said. There is no other game out there simulating a realistic setting as we do. Picking out one element of that is Irrelevant and does not change the context of what I was talking about since thats an entirely different matter.

There is no arrogance here. I was simply explaining why some of the perceived issues in War Thunder Naval exist and some of the more complex reasonings behind why Naval development is more technically sophisticated than other games. No other game has ever truly replicated ships in as much detail and in the realistic based setting we have.

Even comparing Naval to Ground is two very different entities and technical levels.

Ive already made it clear that everything has been forwarded and a full investigation is underway, with any necessary changes to be made.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Once again, we did not only just add Sea Mines this patch. Please check the changelog in full as well as the last 3 majors. They are full of bugfixes and improvements for naval.

Naval mines have also mostly have a positive reception too. But as with all new mechanics and features, there are the potential for bugs that dont show themselves on test servers.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, everything has already been forwarded. Its very clear by now something went wrong during the process of this ships sourcing/construction and a mistake has occurred. There is no need to keep going round with the sources here.

As I said yesterday, the developers immediately jumped on the situation and are working to rectify it now. We hope to have some more news on the situation in the near future, but the ship wont arrive in the configuration showed in the blog currently.

There is no need to start attacking moderation or anyone else for trying to explain the situation and how sometimes, mistakes and errors can occur. Unfortunately thats a side effect of a game of our scope and scale. Its been caught before the ship has even entered the game and whilst it was still in development and will be rectified.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

And here we go