Players choosing to illegally post and share content that is not in the public domain, classified or in any other way restricted has nothing to do with us. We make it very clear that we do not condone or support the publication of any restricted material of any nature or kind. We have also made it clear that doing so will not lead to a change of any kind. Instead the relevant actions will be taken according to any legal requirements as well as account punishments.
This is clear from our historical reporting guidelines and also the general
Gaijin Community guidelines under section 6.
We have made it clear we will only ever use publicly available information and in many cases with modern vehicles, this amounts to estimations based off the material that is available rather than any kind of direct figures as they simply do not exist in any meaningful way in the public domain:
We are not asking or expecting anyone to locate more sources if none exist. Simply that with the report in its current state, it cannot progress further at this time. The developers are constantly working on improvements to existing vehicles, which can often lead to a change in the way something is modelled when more information does become available or additional information is procured. Which is done on an internal level too, without the need for external reports sometimes.
As previously explained however, there have been many reports of this nature that are based solely on sources that mentioned the estimated intended protection that the vehicle was planned to receive, which can sometimes be higher than what it actually ended up being. Similar cases came up before with the Challenger series that had conflicting information also working on "planned" or "desired" protection levels that contracted either each other or other known information. This is not exclusive to Italy or any one nation. But simply loose sources that provide no real solid or quantifiable information used on the basis that something is wrong in game don't really lead to any possible changes being possible.
The developers have already seen the report in its current state and as I mentioned, as of right now nothing can be done with the information provided without any additional information. We have not closed the report for this reason, as new sources are still welcome. But at this time, nothing within it can lead to any changes.