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The Dragonflight expansion is now live. Please read on for a list of known issues that we’re working on, and further information about this update.
Updated December 19
Demon Hunter
- Shattered Restoration does not increase the healing of Soul Fragments from Shattered Souls, and does not update the tooltip values of Shattered Souls.
- Infernal Armor thorns damage tooltip value does not update with second rank with talent point unallocated.
- Fodder to the Flame Condemned Demon does not die with one Throw Glaive.
FeralFreedom of the Herd (PvP) tooltip mentions incorrect cooldown reduction.
- Casting an empower spell when the Thundering affix buffs are applied causes the cast bar to desync.
- Animal Companion reduces the damage done by Call of the Wild.
- Sentinel Owl highlight will display as a loot beam animation if Outline Mode is disabled.
Call of the Wild summoned pets temporarily prevent the use of Mend Pet.Wind Arrow is doubly affected by Mastery: Sniper Training.Quick Shot will not proc if your weapon is transmogrified to a different weapon type.
ProtectionShining Light secondary proc does not appear on Personal Resource UI.
Dungeon and Raid enemies are immune to Distract.
Lightning, Earth, and Water Shields’ auras disappear upon entering an instance or logging out.
- Renewed Proto-Drake and Highland Drake UI will break when previewing other drakes with the Storm-Eater and Crimson Gladiator Skin on.
Dungeons and Raids
- Warriors’ Charge ability can cause a disconnect or death.
Temple of the Jade Serpent
- Warriors’ Charge ability can cause a disconnect or death.
Ruby Life PoolsKyrakka has no aggro table until it has fully landed at 50% health.If Kyrakka is defeated before Erkhart, the Flaming Embers pools of area denial do not harm players.
Kharnalex, The First Light displays ‘Adventurer’ as an eligible class.
Player Characters
- Pandaren may display pink, un-textured hair in the transmog window for backpacks.
- There are unobtainable appearances in two Dracthyr Battlegear transmog Sets, preventing completion of the sets.
The Leather Renown transmog set is available to everyone.
Player versus Player
- Enigma Crucible and Empyrean Domain are unavailable.
Nokhudon Proving Grounds
- Ground-targeted abilities (such as Ring of Frost or Rain of Fire) that are cast on the ramps located in the arena can be difficult to see.
Players are unable to earn Vicious Saddles during Dragonflight Season 1.
- Haephesta has been disabled, in order to address a bug. Until this bug is fixed, players cannot skip portions of profession questlines on their alternate characters.
- Crafting Orders that have expired or are canceled will display an ‘Order Complete!’ text at the top right of the window despite the order not being fulfilled.
- The Titan-Touched sub-path for the Master of the Elements Specialization tree is incorrectly showing the description for the 40 point capper as the unlock point capper and vice versa. The intended effect is that unlocking Titan Touched provides a short term player buff when you mine the node, and the Titan-Touched 40 point capper unlocks the ability to return to portals created by Overloading Titan-Touched nodes.
- Transmutation crafts have been temporarily disabled in order to address an exploit. It is our top priority to resolve the underlying issue and re-enable Transmutations as soon as possible.
Due to some ongoing issues, the following recipes have been temporarily disabled:Basic Phial ExperimentationBasic Potion ExperimentationAdvanced Phial ExperimentationAdvanced Potion Experimentation
- In the Darkshore Warfront, Maiev Shadowsong will reset after casting “Mass Vengeance”.
- In the Destruction Warlock Mage Tower, Jormog the Behemoth and its abilities are invisible, and Tugar Bloodtotem can appear to be a female human.
On “The Other Side”, one character opening the vault does so for other characters.-
Ohn’ahrahn Plains
- Initiate Zorig does not appear for turn in of “Desecrator Annihilator” or “Reagents of De-Necromancy”.
- On “Maruukai”, carts are sinking into ground on the uneven terrain.
- Eaglemaster Niraak does not create a bonus quest.
- Windseeker Avash does not create a bonus quest.
On “Proto Problems”, Hypoxicron is landing mid-air.Ronsak the Decimator does not create a bonus objective/quest.Scaleseeker Mezeri does not create a bonus quest.“The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers” is missing quest loot.
- On “Banquet Battle” interacting with tables causes unexpected camera behavior.
On “The Once and Future Team”, abandoning the Quest after defeating the Colossal Causality changes the number of the Timewalker Wardens that approach.Resetting the “Ancient Protector” Bonus Objective encounter will cause the Ancient Protector to be untargetable.
The Forbidden Reach
- “Final Order” displays empty quest text at turn-in while in-progress.
User Interface
- On the character select screen, characters cannot be moved via drag-and-drop.
- Press-and-Hold can have a casting delay compared to repeatedly pressing the key.
- In Ohn’ahran Plains, area texts on the Map are in incorrect locations.
- Map and minimap icons may disappear while in Valdrakken.
The UI can only display four rewards for Major Factions - Renown Rewards.
For those just returning or who otherwise need to be caught up we have guides for both new and returning players.
As with any update, it is important to make sure that if you use addons that they have been updated.
Helpful links for various tech issues: