7 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

We’re working on major updates to the Radiant Echoes event, based on your feedback.

Since the event went live, we’ve been working to address two main concerns: the wait time for the event, and the rate at which you can earn rewards.

We’re quickly changing it so that the event rotates between zones once each hour, and while the Radiant Echoes are active in a zone, they will remain up for the entire hour.

Now you’ll defeat the memory scenarios that surface, and after enough are defeated, the zone boss will rise. After the zone boss is defeated, the memories will begin resurfacing again, repeating the event immediately. If you’re still interested in farming the basic mobs that appeared when the event ended, you’ll find that those remain available in the other zones.

As far as the rewards are concerned, we’ve re-evaluated the numbers and increased earnings. You’ll see the scenarios and bosses giving more currency than before, in addition to providing flightstones and crests so you can upgrade your gear with the vendors now present in Dalaran. The increased rate of completing scenarios and killing bosses should also result in many more drops coming your way.

We spotted players funneling the weekly quests from their alts to their mains, and we don’t want that to feel necessary, so these quests will now be account-bound and they will repeat daily instead of weekly.

As a reminder, you’re still able to transfer the residual memories currency between members of your warband as you wish.

There are some other things we’re working on, such as the occasional scenario getting stuck and not completing. But with this new format, even if a scenario gets stuck, there will be others around that you can switch to and continue to make progress.

TLDR: More, faster, rewards, bugfixes, we hear you!

7 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

In a few minutes, we’ll deploy our changes to the Radiant Echoes event to the 11.0.0 PTR.

We’ll be testing the event there for a few hours today, before we bring all of the event improvements to the live game. Please feel free to join us!

If you haven’t tested this particular PTR yet, you’ll find it looking like this in your launcher:


Thank you very much for all of your feedback. Keep it coming!

7 months ago - Zorbrix-1669 - Direct link

As Kaivax mentioned, we’d love your help testing out these changes on the 11.0.0 PTR. The Character Copy feature is currently experiencing some problems there, so in the meantime we’ve enabled the Character Template option on those realms. Using this button on the character selection screen will allow you to make a level 70 character and jump into the action instantly.

Thank you!

7 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Testing feedback thread right here

Thank you!