10 days ago - /u/ - Direct link

Our team has been alerted to reports of past Steam Entitlements suddenly being revoked or ‘no longer available’ once logging into Warframe.

We have fixed this issue, and said items will be returned to you upon Relog!

However, this has resulted in a few players being put into a negative Platinum balance and not being able to log into the game. Our next steps are:

  1. We are manually rebalancing the negatively balanced players to a TEMPORARY 0 balance. This will allow affected players to log into the game, at which you will be sent your entitlement Platinum balance back on relog. We kindly ask that you do not spend this Platinum until we run the rebalance script tomorrow as noted below.
  2. We are then working on 2 scripts:
    1. The first will rebalance your Platinum to ensure you have the proper amount.
    2. The second will rebalance the items that were resent to you, including XP, as they were sent at the base level and not the Ranks they were prior to the revoke. This will fix anyone who lost MR due to this revoke.

We will update this thread once the scripts start and are complete!

Apologies for this hiccup, Tenno. We will ensure those affected are righted!

Jan 31 Update: The above scripts have been completed! However, a very small handful of players who did not relog before ~3:30 PM ET today were missed in the script run since their entitlement Platinum balance had not yet been returned. We will be running the script again early next week to resolve these accounts, but if you continue to have issues our wonderful support team is available to assist over at http://support.warframe.com