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They did say to make changes after the horizon cup so I assume they will take some data from it and adds them into consideration in making the new changes

Zed are also worth mentioning with 90% winrate on 11 matches which is quite insane

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almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

can tournament statistics affect game balance changes?


Yep, we have been watching the Horizon Cup and made sure to make room for changes based on it in our upcoming balance patches. Most of the time this isn't our primary driver, but we try to be safe about our changes just before a tournament (to avoid risks like making something OP, or totally changing what players are familiar with). But we do use tournament data (especially after major events like this) and make adjustments based of that too. But for most of the time we are more focused on the general player base, though still with an eye on tournaments.

I don't know the changes that are planned, but generally speaking a champion's presence (pick+ban rates) is a good indicator of how pros view a champion's power.

But you do want to take other things into account too. (as an example, a champion might have a high presence or winrate but that only comes from 1 team that makes it very far into the tournament.)

It can get a bit messy when a champion is weak or unpopular for normal players, but has a high presence in pro play.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

oh, thanks for the detailed answer.

What about items? Many top players wrote about slightly strange builds, explaining that players often sacrifice passive skills of items for the sake of basic indicators (for example, Zed with MR + Serilda). Do you plan to expand the list by the start of the next championships?

Items balance is also looked at, but it can be a bit tricky here. An item could be fine for most champions but end up being strong (or just popular) on a particular champion. Items can also have a lot to do with the match up and state of the particular match they are in.

What do you mean by "basic indicators"? Are you talking about the items stats?

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

Yes, bout stats.

Ya kk, I don't think we are too worried if people are buying items with a focus on the stats (there are always limits here). A champion should want both, but often times someone buys an item because it has stats they need I'm this game (an adc buying Wits End for MR, with it's passive effects being secondary) but I don't think we would be too happy if an adc was buying Spirit Visage or Thornmail when they needed some defense.

That isn't to say that we won't be make adjustments to any items (I don't know the plans here), it's always on the table, and tournaments can/will impact those changes too. It's more of an issue when these items are build outside their class/role, built in situations that don't make sense, or pushes a champion/class into a dominant position that warps the game and pushes out classes.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

What do you think about balance changes regarding champions that were not popular but got popular rapidly without real reason ?

I'm thinking of varus. Before, and even during 2.4, he wasn't seen a lot, and people used to think he was "meh", as in "alright but there are champions that are better". But now he is seeing a lot of success in the competitive scene without any buffs nor any really impactful nerfs on other adcs or adc items.

Also I would also like to have your opinion regarding draft balance in general. I don't know if it's just me, but as a midlaner, I feel like I am kind of "forced" to play an ap mid. I like yasuo a lot for instance, but since there aren't any real ap junglers or toplaners, i feel like it would throw off the team balance to play yet another ad in the midlane. Right now as ap junglers we have evelynn which is a good pick against squishies but not that great against tankier comps, nunu but as a tank, his primary goal is not to deal damage, diana but she is just not that great due to her bad early game and is heavily outweighted by diana mid, and maybe some offmeta/troll picks. So yeah, how do you think AP bruiser tops and AP junglers would affect the game and especially the midlane ?

Certain champions being popular in pro, while being less popular for the general player base has always been a things. We normally see this on champions with high utility, where the general player base cares more about damage, and pros value utility.

Champions like this can have an impact on, but it's unlikely to be massive nerfs unless they were far and above others filling similar roles. If a champion is weak to the general player base, but popular in pro we might take action depending on how extreme it is. An example would be shift power out of aspects that are valuable in pro play into aspects that the rest of us can take advantage of. But we wouldn't want a champion to lose their identity,

Varus, Ashe, and Jhin are all utility marksmen that tend to pop up out of nowhere in pro play, while being seeing as weak to most players for these exact reasons. But that utility is what makes them who they are so we don't want to lose that. So it really comes down to how dominant they are pro while at the same time being weak for general play.

Edit: I realized I didn't answer your AP question

More magic damage in other roles would be nice, and I can't wait for us to get more champions to flesh this out. But even in the Horizon Cup we saw teams run full AD and end up doing fine (maybe too fine), so I wouldn't stress to much about picking an AD mid. Yasuo is especially good here because his ultimate cuts through armor stacking.

As for AP in other roles, Fizz, Diana, Gragas, Eve, and Nunu have all been doing fine in the jungle but I do notice that as soon as they aren't OP players start calling them weak.

It's also a very similar situation in other roles. Baron lane has, Teemo, Kennen, and Gragas doing well. While Ziggs and Corki are doing work in the Dragon Lane. Rounding us out with Brand and Seraphine for supports.

One here is that aside from those in the jungle many of these are seen as weak, aren't flashy, or nonstandard by most players and thus avoided. So it creates that feeling of needing an AP mid that you talked about.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

Thank you very much for you reply :)

You are probably right, playing a full AD comp is probably not as bad as I make it out to be. However, currently the jungle meta is junglers that can clear relatively fast, and that isn't the case for Fizz, Diana or Gragas. Nunu is a very fine champion, I am not saying he is bad at all, but as a tank his primary goal isn't to deal damage thus not really "counting" (an ennemy tank will most likely entirely ignore nunu's damage output and focus on other champs when building their items).

Do you have any info that you could share regarding Varus' VFX rework on LoL PC that could possibly come to Wild Rift in the future ?

P.S- This probably isn't said enough especially here on Reddit, but thank you for the efforts you guys at Riot put to give us such a good game, and for free on top of it. Much appreciated <3

I wouldn't worry too much about the "fast jungle clear meta" fast clear times are always important sure, but really all those champions I listed are doing fine and some of the highest winrate jungles have slow clear times. (Amumu and Rammus have always been some of the highest winrate jungles, regardless of elo, and aren't thought of as fast). You are right that tank Nunu is the preferred build, but his AP off but shouldn't be terrible.

Nothing on Varus that I am aware of, or could share if I was. Sorry

Thank you for the kind words! It's always great to hear people enjoying the game.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Xxmlg420swegxx

What do you think about balance changes regarding champions that were not popular but got popular rapidly without real reason ?

I'm thinking of varus. Before, and even during 2.4, he wasn't seen a lot, and people used to think he was "meh", as in "alright but there are champions that are better". But now he is seeing a lot of success in the competitive scene without any buffs nor any really impactful nerfs on other adcs or adc items.

Also I would also like to have your opinion regarding draft balance in general. I don't know if it's just me, but as a midlaner, I feel like I am kind of "forced" to play an ap mid. I like yasuo a lot for instance, but since there aren't any real ap junglers or toplaners, i feel like it would throw off the team balance to play yet another ad in the midlane. Right now as ap junglers we have evelynn which is a good pick against squishies but not that great against tankier comps, nunu but as a tank, his primary goal is not to deal damage, diana but she is just not that great due to her bad early game and is heavily outweighted by diana mid, and maybe some offmeta/troll picks. So yeah, how do you think AP bruiser tops and AP junglers would affect the game and especially the midlane ?

Inc AP Jungler and Baron Laner, just like you wanted.