Sorry to do it in this roundabout way, but Reddits block system is stupid and easily abusable, so we have to do it this way. Here is what my reply was to your post here
Well, then that might be out of date, because last we got an explanation, that was why. Anyway, let me address your points.
Im more familiar using the terminology of input vs output randomness that Ghostcrawler used way back when elemental drakes were introduced. Where he explained that input randomness, like elemental drakes, was very healthy and something riot wants in their game, whereas output randomness like crit (though he didnt use crit as an example) was very unhealthy for the game and something riot didnt want in the game. Again, except for crit for some reason.
1. Here I already have a huge issue. Because the premise, that being "the combat is otherwise solved" is something I believe to be fundamentally entirely wrong. Weve had a lot of examples of combat, between adcs, with no crit involved, especially in PC league. Ezreal vs Miss fortune. Hybrid Kaisa vs Onhit Kogmaw. Botrk Vayne vs Lethality Lucian. None of these fights ever felt even remotely "solved". Quite the opposite, they often felt more exciting, because you could play with strategies that just barely worked, rather than having to avoid any fight that isnt going to go your way even if crit swings the whole thing.
But even if we assume the premise was correct, I dont see how "the better player will sometimes lose to the worse player through sheer luck" is better than "the better play always wins". And I find the point of "well it wont always screw over the player who is ahead" to not be a good assurance, because without output randomness, that player would never be screwed over, and to me that just seems better. Plus, there is also the fact that you could make the same case for bruisers, yet there is no RNG equivalent for bruisers which clearly players are very happy with.
Edit: And another huge issue is that this argument ignores that supports exist. They already create variance, and its rare for ADCs to 1v1 each other with no support around.
2. Here my problem is that this point only tells half the story. Yes, crits are "hype". However, they are also "anti-hype". There is nothing less exciting/more frustrating than losing a fight you were supposed to win because the enemy got 3 crits in a row with 20% chance. And in fact, this frustration far outpaces the hype, the Rioter in that post I mentioned acknowledged that crit was net significantly more unfun than it was fun. And that makes sense, humans are far more likely to acknowledge and remember extremely negative events than extremely positive events, and you can see it in action when you see any streamer play. Youll basically never see them get excited about getting lucky with crits, but frustrated with getting unlucky, to the point of slamming the desk? Yeah that happens.
I also disagree with the assessment on Ashe. Ashe did not always have her current crit system, that was actually season ... 5 or 6, I dont remember. And Ashe before that was pretty much treated the same way, if not being even less popular/exciting. Ashe isnt "not hype" because she lacks crit, she is not hype because her kit is extremely basic and boring. Kai'sa in PC league last season was probably the most hype marksman, and she usually did not buy a single crit item. And hell, Kai'sa is not more hype in PC league now that she builds crit. Arguably she is a lot less hype, because hybrid was a far more interesting build than "the same crit build as every other ADC", and because Kai'sa having to build crit means that pros and high elo players do a lot fewer high risk plays because crit can now screw them up.
Hype marksmen are hype because of their kit. Ashe was just as "not hype" when she was using random crit, and Kai'sa was just as (if not more) "hype" when she was not using crit. Attacking is the least interesting part of pretty much all marksmen, its why Riot has been moving away from marksmen that only attack after all, isnt it?
3. This one is just ... confusing. Youre protecting peoples ego by letting them blame RNG for losing, which they can only do because sometimes RNG is the reason they lost? Like if I get this correctly, youre encouraging a frankly bad habit that is seriously looked down in card games for a reason, and to do so you hurt the games competitive integrity, and thats a ... good thing? That just doesnt sound right.
4. Yeah this I can agree with, but Ashes system already does that. And even then, I only agree with this partially because we have had scaling ADCs that dont use crit. Vayne and Kog'Maw. Onhit is also an option, and one that unfortunately has fallen by the way-side as crit has become more and more pushed.
Edit: Formatting