The Industry Titans event, separation of exterior visuals and economic bonuses, French cruisers in the Tech Tree, Ranked Battles, Brawls, and a whole lot more! Read it on the portal
Unassigned Permacamos split into:
Assignable Tier [#] Perma-Visual
Assignable Tier [#] Bonus Package (Permanent Economic Bonus)
From this DevBlog:
They provide Tier-relevant Bonus Packages:
Sims and Sims B use the same model and are similarly affected.
This has been known for quite some time
Flags that offer economic bonuses; CC, Military, KOTS, etc... will give a permanent global bonus to the account.
It will be as if you are always running the eco flags that you have, but you'll be free to run whatever flags you choose.
No - you can still choose to show the MMC flag as you do now, but the bonus will be applied to all ships, even if you are not actively using the flag.
The flags you choose don't have to have bonuses... because the Flag Bonuses will be permanently applied to your account. They will affect every ship in every game you play.
I'll pass it up the chain! Thanks!