over 2 years ago - Konception - Direct link

You are not being charged for anything. If you go in game and look underneath your Commander, you will see a tab called Economic Bonuses, which is where the economic increases from your signals and camos are now located. They were converted to these new bonuses this patch, and separated from the visual component in order to give players more customization options. You still have all of the visual components from every camo you owned prior to this update. Economic and Special signals are no more, but are reflected in the bonuses you now have. Combat signals are now located under the Equipment tab. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Premium Ships still earn bonus credits as a baseline feature of being Premium Ships.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

We do, in fact!
The signal / camo system was far more confusing to a new player than the current system. Further, the fact that FXP and CXP were all directly tied to +XP bonuses and not independent was excruciating to most players - forcing them to go to third party sites for information on how to maximally earn FXP and CXP in matches. This needed a change. While the process of changing it may have been extremely complicated (because it's like converting from imperial to metric), that's the price to reach a simpler result.

"Zeke" in middle-management doesn't make these decisions. These are company-wide and go through many steps of trial before they get rolling.

Also, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't assume that no-one in WG plays WoWs. I have 15,000 battles from coop to Round of 16 in KOTS and regularly play Hurricane-level Clan battles. Ahskance, Legionnare, and a large part of the EU office are all excellent and experienced players.

We grind for our steel and RB points just like you.

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