over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Greetings Commanders,

Neptune demands tribute to the Ocean map! We have a few training rooms planned for you so get your ships ready. Come join @KARMAT1KA and I on the official World of Warships Twitch channel tonight at 5pm central!


See you there!

over 3 years ago - Ev1n_NA - Direct link

It's going to be Maredraco and Karmatika. The stream schedule should be updated now.

No, they will not answer any of the same questions. As both me and Sub_Octavian have said we are working on addressing those and asking us before we're ready will not make that process any faster.

We hope to have more information for everyone within a few days.


over 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Thanks for bringing this up. It is in fact Maredraco and I that will be on stream today.

To set the expectations, this stream will not be held in the same format as the last one. I'm always happy to address issues, and answer questions when I can, but please note that this is not going to be the main focal point of this stream. That being said, I also want to point out that it's okay to have opinions and to express your disagreements, and concerns, what is not acceptable is continuously posting the same thing over and over again especially after it's been addressed, and spreading personal attacks and being generally disrespectful to us and our staff.

So with that being said, I look forward to shooting the ship with you all on stream!

(I win - Ev1n)

over 3 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link


Please don't be so negative. We're a big team, and there is a lot of things being worked on in background.

I understand that you want several highly important questions to be addressed, and they will be, very soon (today). It does not mean that other activities like streams should not carry some entertainment value. We're all doing our best on different levels.

Sorry that addressing these question is taking longer than it should. That's one of the things we will be improving internally, to become more agile.


over 3 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link

I absolutely don't blame anyone, just giving you a little heads-up

over 3 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link

Thank you for your questions. Yes, a lot of adjustments and changes are planned on different levels. I doubt we will cover all of them in a single statement, but we did our best to make it count.

It will be published in writing very soon, and NA Publishing Director Ev1n will be here on Forums to answer some follow-up questions.

Stay tuned!

over 3 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link

Yes. But my colleagues will be on regional Forums and CC discord to talk about all of this in the relevant threads.

Sigh. Okay, I just did not want spoilers, but let me just say it: the information will be published in roughly 15 minutes So it's not our soon™, it's soon.

over 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Trust me when I say that we don't "want" to stream out of our house, unfortunately, we're not fortunate enough to be able to work out of the office yet so we have to make do with what we can until we're allowed to return to the office.

Also sorry for being "the worst"

over 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Yeah at first it was cool, but as much as I love my dog, talking to her all day every day without real human interaction can be overrated.