almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I not really sure how to read this? Let me do a Matchmaker Breakdown.


Random Battles:

You can learn about Random Battle Matchmaker by watching this video:


The matchmaker is concerned with "# of Wins" in the current Brawl sprint. So a player with a 10-0 record could be matched with a player which has a 10-10 record. The 10 wins is the main point of comparison.

Ship Nation/Type is not factored. One team could be 3 battleships while the other is 3 cruisers. The ship makeup is quite random and will follow the constraint of the brawl (Tier requirement, maybe it's a 3v3 but max 2 Battleships for a team, etc...)


Ranked is Random Matchmaker. It matches Tier and Type, and should balance out Nation/Type as well (if 3 US Cruisers, then 2 on one side and 1 on the other) like is done in Random Battles.

The difference with Ranked is that each League only matches with players that are in the same League. Bronze fights Bronze, Silver fights Silver (including folks in Silver Quals), and Gold fights Gold (including folks in Gold Quals). By going to higher Leagues, you are making the player pool smaller as each League has a smaller population than the prior.

Clan Battles:

Teams win or lose points and climb or fall based on the point number they have. If facing a team higher then you, you will gain more points or lose less points than if you faced a team that was equal to your ranking ("Storm 2 - 50 points" would be a ranking, for instance).

Matchmaker finds teams that are close to your ranking. As players wait in queue, the search parameter expands over time. When some Hurricane/Typhoon teams are waiting for a long time, they could be matched with a team significantly above or below them in the ranking.


I'm not sure what you meant here:

" This makes the difference in MM blowouts when I change from say a Salem to a Napoli and can have a 100% win rate for the night in a Salem and then have a 100% loss rate in a Napoli with similar personal scores."

The Matchmaker doesn't follow your battles or winrate. Brawls is aware of your "# of Wins", but that has nothing to do with your ship choice. The "# of Wins" is for your participation in the current Brawl across whatever you chose to participate in.

No other Matchmaker than Brawls factor in Wins.

Clan Battles are affected by Wins only in that your Rating goes up when you win.

Ship choice only matters for which team you might be placed on where Nation/Type distribution is factored (Ranked and Random Battles)

Ship stats are not factored by any matchmaker for any queue-type.

almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Because people have trouble fielding 7 dedicated players multiple nights a week. Mercenaries allow for clans that are down a member or few to play with some friends from other clans, members from sister clans, or to pick up someone that's looking to play.

almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Just wins that your account has accrued in the current Brawl. It's not related to ships you've played at all.

almost 2 years ago - Gaishu_Isshoku - Direct link

We'll have more details to share on specifics like this in the near future - right now we're reviewing feedback on the changes as a whole. Sorry I don't have more for you right now!

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