

25 Jul


We do read Reddit! Since it's not an "official" platform (as in, we do not control/moderate it), we don't tend to post very much in there, but I assure you that Reddit activity makes up a substantial portion of the feedback reporting that we do.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad at the forums closing - I've been playing since 2015 and a lot of my early memories around Warships are tied to these forums. But, we really believe this is the right decision; as brought up in the other topics forums as a platform continue to see declining use as time goes on. We've read a lot of feedback here on the decision and we'll be looking to implement ways to make the Discord and other spaces more comfortable to use for people who are used to forum-style discussion.


For 1, as I mentioned earlier we will be using Discord's forum feature. If players wish to create ship reviews they can easily do so there. Regarding archiving, that's up to players and what they wish to personally save and/or transfer. For 2, if you're looking for a specific post in a normal discussion channel, the Discord search feature can easily provide this functionality by searching for author/date/keywords/etc.

I completely understand the viewpoint of not wanting to use a 3rd party app. However, trends have shown that more people are willing to do this and engage with Discord than continue to use the forums. The community team as a whole will absolutely be more focused on Discord, yes.

No, the decision has nothing to do with financials or cost cutting.

I will point you to any number of fan sites which already exist and cover Wargaming products: ...

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To this point specifically - there's absolutely no issue if community members create their own forum platform. Again, this has nothing to do with shutting down discussion or obfuscating feedback.

This is purely a World of Warships team decision. The other products run their own channels as they see fit.

Number of posts and active users has been on a steady decline for years, compared to other platforms which have seen steady growth. It's not about whether the forums are used at all, but rather how much use they see relative to other platforms and where we as a team can best concentrate our efforts.


To clarify, this is not a cost cutting measure. Forums are in a general state of decline with regards to the level of engagement they receive and the number of people who interact with them. We spent a long time considering and discussing this internally and feel it makes more sense for us to concentrate our efforts and support on Discord. It's a painful decision and there are absolutely significant differences between the platforms; that said, we'll be using the forum feature on Discord to provide a somewhat similar experience.
To the comments regarding this as a move to obfuscate feedback - I assure you that nothing of the sort is intended. We catalogue and report on Discord discussions and feedback and there are dedicated, highly visible spaces to have discussions on and provide feedback for game changes. I highly encourage all of you to leave feedback there for us :)
As mentioned in the announcement itself, the forums will be available to read for months to come;...

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12 May


As noted in the response, we unfortunately cannot share actions taken because of privacy concerns. I can give you some insight on how the system works though; we work on a pretty standard escalating offence system, so if this was the first time this person was being actioned, it would be a short duration chat ban, escalating to longer durations and eventually a permanent chat ban if the behavior continues.
I know submitting a ticket is a fair amount of effort and it sucks to not directly know what's being done as a result, but please don't feel like it does nothing; the ticket system is absolutely the best way to get something done about bad behavior in game.

09 May


As already noted, the 10 point commander adds 1,500 doubloon value to the ship prices. And please remember that the event gives you the opportunity to pay for any amount of the cost of the ship with grindable resources - I fully expect most players to acquire these ships for substantially less doubloons/real money expenditure than they would by purchasing them for doubloons straight up in the armory.

Really, there is no trickery intended here. It's an event with ships and captains set at their value with the opportunity to discount or acquire the ships with grindable resources. I hear you guys loud and clear on the pricing, especially for resource conversion, but I hope you can see that it's intended to give players flexibility in how they pay for the ships and represents something new for us.


We're aware of the issue and will be crediting the mission to you guys soon, don't worry :)

07 May


We don't allow it. If you encounter this behavior, please make a CS ticket and it will be actioned.

06 May


Thanks for the report, passing it along!


I'm sorry it came across this way. The intention was to be clear and upfront with the reasoning. Obviously, a video game's 'economy' is not the same as something like a country's economy - the term simply references the fact that we use currencies which players can exchange for items, and the use of 'inflation' means that the supply of doubloons available to players from events like Anniversary has been increasing, which we're now dialing back. As the game gets older, more players acquire greater number of TX ships.
Please let me know if there's anything I can clarify for this, and of course we're looking for your guys' feedback on this. Like I said earlier in the thread, please let us know if you think anything in the new drop table should be adjusted, as the intention is to minimally affect the 'normal' income of supercontainers.

05 May


I appreciate the feedback on this, guys. I see some confusion in here as to the doubloon 'economy' and 'inflation' - the use of those terms in the Devblog really just refers to the fact that the amount of doubloons available to players for free through events such as the Anniversary has been steadily increasing over the years, and we're looking to dial it back without affecting the 'normal' Supercontainer income. The latest revisions removed the standard (grey) boosters from the planned changes; if there's other things about the new drop table that you think should get looked at, please let us know.


Thanks for bringing this up - you're correct that it seems like the nation they're assigned to isn't in writing in the armory. Do note that if you hover over the commander, the flag will be in the background, but I can see how that could get easily missed.


Have you re-researched each ship from TV-X and played a game on them? The points are not credited immediately on resetting the line. If you have, please send me the ticket number and I can keep an eye on it for you.


Respectfully, I don't think that's a valid comparison and I don't see it as a ripoff. You can use essentially every grindable resource in the game in any combination to discount the price of the ship, up to getting it for free. I think that's more than reasonable given premium ships are often money/doubloon only, or available for only one resource.


Think of it as essentially a 'premium' conversion for one resource to another.


I'm sorry you guys feel this way about the event. I was personally looking forward to it since I felt that premiums being available for purchase through any combination of grindable currencies would be a nice opportunity. I take your point on the exchange rates, but please remember that is primarily a way for players who have an excess of one resource to get others that they have far less of - which previously hasn't been possible.


Yes, the ships are more expensive than usual if you are buying them 'straight up' with one resource. However, the whole idea behind the event is that you can use any combination of resources, including credits. It seems fair to me that players can use whichever resources they'd like to get a 'discount' on the ship purchases. It's also the first time I can recall that resources have been directly convertible to others (except steel to coal, when buying coal items).

25 Apr


We'll have more details to share on specifics like this in the near future - right now we're reviewing feedback on the changes as a whole. Sorry I don't have more for you right now!

20 Apr


Hi guys - if you have examples of things like shells falling short as in OP's claim, please share the replay file with us. The reality is that gunnery related bugs are quite difficult to track down in nature, so if you have any examples, please remember to make a bug report and share with us. We are actively looking into these issues.