
Fallout Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Originally posted by supertrunks92

I really hope they move organ cave somewhere else, that one stupid location is going to kill two of the coolest camp spots in the game, just for another pointless location with cultists existing only to get shot☹️

We've seen that feedback and the area around the Organ Cave will still be buildable since there are three other exits from the cave.


Originally posted by Deadeyez

Wait. Perk weapon damage cards are broken?

This patch note was a bit difficult to explain, but essentially attacks that deal damage over time from weapons that also use perk cards to increase damage, were not increasing damage.

25 Sep


Originally posted by Offworldpunk

u/ladydevann Hear us oh lady devann ...please get your people to reorganise the build menu!

Yaaassss this is something the team is very aware of and has on their radar.

11 Sep


Originally posted by MotherOfAllMinions

I just want to know that those of us that consumed plans from Giuseppe that were bugged to not appear when initiating a craft won’t be having to reEarn those technically learnt and paid for plans, that the fix they have will address both past and future activation of having “learned” them, ya know…

You shouldn't have to repurchase them from Giuseppe, but our CS team is able to assist with issues like this if they should arise.


Edited the post above to say this also includes energy damage! We look forward to more of your feedback in our PTS early next month.


Originally posted by r_not_me

Will this fix also address energy damage? The assaultron 1 shot death beam is not much fun

The team just confirmed with me this pass also includes energy damage! I'm updating my post above.


Hello Vault Dwellers!

We’ve seen your concerns about fire damage and wanted to give you an update on what we are doing. Currently, we are undergoing a thorough sweep of Fire damage based on your incredible feedback. This will include changes to how fire damage is calculated and balance updates for both enemies and armor. We'll have these changes ready for players to test in our next PTS release in early October and hope that you will all let us know how things feel! More information on our next PTS will be provided in an Inside the Vault article later this month.

Lastly, we wanted to address the reports of being unable to craft specific items such as the Union Power Armor and Auto-Axe. This is a priority for us, and we have a solution to address this that will be in our next update.

EDIT 4:21 ET: I've received confirmation from the dev team that this also includes energy damage changes!!

External link →

06 Sep


Ward just wants you to listen to him! He's lonely sitting there by himself all day. Listen to his first line of dialogue... Make sure to nod and go "Uh-huh" to indicate to him you are listening... After that, you can skip his dialogue and go on your merry way!

24 Aug


We're looking into these reports, can anyone experiencing this reply to this comment with your bethesda.net username?


Originally posted by Gary108108

Weren't they going to add the ability to start a new character at level 20?

Moved to a later patch, but still coming! We're evaluating the feedback from the PTS.


Originally posted by JohnnyEC

I just check logged on today to see the new update and there are a lot of things missing from the workbench. I heard the vault tec jumpsuit is missing, grognak axe, headwears, etc.

I wonder if this has been reported already but I'm surprised people aren't reporting on this as much.


Super appreciate the list! I'm chasing down all these reports.


Originally posted by BlottomanTurk

My bad. I just assumed the patch notes writer was a Mr. Handy bot.

Fair assumption hahaha!


Sent this over to the devs to investigate, I'll let you know when I have an update. :)


Originally posted by SleeplessInDisturbia

The one where our shelters are broken and we can't enter them or get information about it. Here is the thread for your convenience, you were tagged but you must have gotten lost. Thank you Community Manager.


Thank you! I escalated this already with the team but I'll comment to show we've seen it


Ms. Patch Notes Writer* haha.
Thanks for bringing this up, I'll escalate with the team!


How much disc space do you have available? You may need to clear a few gigs, oftentimes PlayStation wants to have more disc space than needed to update the game. Or you can uninstall and redownload it.


Can you file a support ticket for me? https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home


If you file a support ticket here: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home our CS team can walk you through troubleshooting :)


What weapon are you using?