
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

09 May


Originally posted by Munrot07

That's my assumption too. Look back some cards have the extra bit, some don't. I'm guessing blizzard add it whenever they can, and ignore it otherwise.

whenever we make multiple cards that generate tokens with pretty unique/long effects, we try to have at least 1 card whose focus is explaining the mechanic rather than doing something more complex/unique with it. in this case, Explodineer is a simpler design that explains the entire thing, letting us do a bit more with Safety Expert's design!

some other examples:

  • In Nathria, we made Volatile Skeleton a collectible card. because it's collectible (and common, so its more likely for players to own it), it's more likely for players to be able to search for it, and therefore know what they are in the context of cards like Cold Case!

  • Remember Tamsin's hero card from AV? neither she nor her hero power say what a "Rift" is... but Seeds of Destruction does! Tamsin and her Hero Power have a lot more going on than just shuffling rifts, but Seeds of Destruction's entire effect is JUST shuffling, leaving plenty of room to explain.

20 Apr


Nice!! Congrats :)

16 Apr

11 Apr


Originally posted by deevee12

a huge new Twist season with several unique decks and new hero powers

Wait a goddamn second...

The vague teaser phrasing we used for this made it sound like Duels, when Duels is already on your mind. We didn't intend any similarity perception there. It nothing at all like Duels.

I'm super hyped for it, we've put a ton of work into it. It should feel real special, but nothing like Duels.

05 Apr


Octosari and im not kidding

04 Apr


Ive been on the team for 3+ years now and this still might be my proudest contribution

26 Mar


Originally posted by CheezCurls1230

Yeah, I have seen reports of this ever since March 19, so I kind of suspect that core rotation has broken the solution as it has in the past. I am sure u/HS_Celestalon will see to it that the new legacy version of Ysera the Dreamer will work in the future but maybe it will take some time.

Hey. Yeah, dang, missed fixing this one in time for the next major patch, sorry about that. Will try to have this fixed in 29.4.

18 Mar


Originally posted by EtherealProphet

Holy frick Cora commented on my post, play it cool man play it cool

Thanks, I’m so glad you liked it! I was really proud of that line as well. I’m happy to add to the community hype for this expansion. Best wishes and congratulations for the launch tomorrow!

Thank you! I'm glad it inspired your wonderful wordsmithing. I'll see you back here in 4 months lol.


"There's no honor in hunting what's already stuffed" is such a fire line. Incredibly well done. This is my favorite one yet.

15 Mar



09 Mar


Originally posted by Atomicapples

What was the 1 year challenge, for those not in the know?

I made custom cards every day for a year straight before getting hired as a designer on the team!



Originally posted by Chefofbaddecisions

Even if its not, my 5yo will claim this is a skibitoilet reference.

oh my god


Originally posted by Nerowinner2020

Man this expansion has the most unique effects I have seen from a long time. Almost every single legendary felt like a custom card.

it makes me smile every time i see a "feels like a custom card" comment on a card i worked on :)

05 Mar


Originally posted by ItsJamali

In what ways would you expect it to be communicated?

New players are far more likely to be facing bots, and far less likely to know about the report function.

I've played through the new NPE a few times, at some stage you can face other players also playing through the NPE.

After your first match against another human would seem the appropriate time to have a short pop up tutorial showing players how to add other players as friends, and also how to use the report function.

This way the focus can be on encouraging the social aspect of the game, instead of the report feature itself.

For everyone else they could be shown the same pop up tutorial on logging in like other announcements.

Any less and you're talking about social media posts which just don't reach a wide enough audience.

Solid ideas, thanks!


Originally posted by ItsJamali

Appreciate the response, and that there are limited resources.

The most meaningful feedback I could give you is:

  1. The existence of the report feature is not communicated to players, it's something you have to figure out yourself or learn about from forums.

  2. The Botting option should be top level, cheating is synonymous with hacking to a large number of players, so leaves room for confusion. People say it's buried because you don't see the Botting option until you've already selected Cheating.

  1. In what ways would you expect it to be communicated?
  2. Cheating, botting, hacking, etc., all fall into a general category of "this person is doing something unfair", and all the user-testing we've done has shown that the most-recognizable umbrella term for that is 'cheating', but I'm happy to hear feedback on different opinions on that.

Originally posted by ItsJamali

  1. Can you confirm if reporting bots in game is useful?

A lot of players feel that reporting bots is a waste of time, especially when the option is buried under "cheating".

  1. If it's helpful are there any plans to give players an incentive to report bots?

In some games you receive a notification if someone was banned with your help, in others there are actual rewards. For Hearthstone there's simply no feedback.

  1. Are there any plans to combat the bots besides banning them more frequently? Is banning them actually reducing the number of bots over time?

People have suggested things like PvE puzzles as in game captchas, separate ques for accounts receiving many bot reports, and changes to arena to deincentives bot owners farming for runs.

Is there anything you can share with the community?

  1. Yes, the in-game reports absolutely are useful. It's not a waste of time. I'm not sure how it's "buried" though; it is cheating.
  2. We agree that it'd be great to give you the sort of "someone you reported got banned" feedback that other games do, but we haven't had the time to build that yet. Please just trust us that it does help though.
  3. Talking about specifics would help the bots, but yes, we are combatting bots in different ways, and will continue to expand our bot-fighting tactics. We take the problem very seriously.

Originally posted by ItsDominare

Appreciate you're not going to go into details on detection methods here, but do the in-game reports actually help? I try to remember to do one if I see an obvious bot, but you never get any feedback so it's hard to know if one is screaming into the wind or not.

Yes, the in-game reports absolutely matter. We agree that it'd be great to give you the sort of "someone you reported got banned" feedback that other games do, but we haven't had the time to build that yet. Please just trust us that it does help though.


The botters are fighting us pretty hard, but we're fighting back. We're continuing to ban bots, it just needs to be done in waves. (Though we are planning to increase the frequency of those waves soon too.)


Originally posted by badimojo

Does anybody spend the extra time reporting bot accounts? And following up to that, does anybody think that reporting is a worthwhile thing to do?

(I do report if I can remember to but I'm not very sure that it's worth the trouble).

Yes, Reporting does matter, a lot. Please continue to do so!

29 Feb


Originally posted by JustStayYourself

Me and my friend think this looks really like AI art. And I thought this already with several other cards this expansion, anyone else? It's very off-putting.

Hi! Want to chime in here because I've been seeing more and more comments like this recently. Our outsourcing process for card art includes feedback from many qualified individuals (some of them also contributing card artists!) and significant iteration. We see these images being created from the sketch phase to the final product and everything in between. As someone else already said in the replies, the artists are credited on each card, and I encourage you to go check out their other work. :)