
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by TheGingerNinga

I certainly understand the appeal.


20 Feb

16 Feb


Originally posted by tokzik_

no idea. i accidentally spent over an hour trying to find both of them, and theres a huge discord full of people looking. theres still not even a hint at the entrance, let alone the solution, so it might not be available yet. something to do eith the upcoming event maybe

No waiting needed. It's solvable.


Patch 28.6.1 is a server-side hotfix rolling out now with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Armor Changes

The following heroes have more Armor:

  • Millhouse Manastorm now has 7 Armor at higher levels, still has 10 at lower levels
  • E.T.C., Band Manager now has 8 Armor at higher levels, still has 10 at lower levels
  • Inge, the Iron Hymn now has 11 Armor at higher levels, still has 6 at lower levels
  • Rock Master Voone now has 12 Armor at higher levels, still has 15 at lower levels
  • Mutanus the Devourer now has 13 Armor
  • Cariel Roame now has 14 Armor at higher levels, still has 10 at lower levels
  • Heistbaron Togwaggle now has 14 Armor
  • Elise Starseeker now has 15 Armor
  • Pyramad, Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher, and Y’Shaarj now have 16 Armor

The following heroes have less Armor:

  • Death Speaker Blackthorn now has 10 Armor

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15 Feb


Originally posted by AnfowleaAnima




Originally posted by Alaylarsam

This tweet was deleted. What did it say?

I said 11 instead of 12 decks and reposted for accuracy. Here's the new one.


14 Feb


Thanks for the report. Just added this to the known issues.

13 Feb


Originally posted by MaleficentPurchase53

I think this is actually supposed to be a Mech and Beast dual tribe. You can see in the expansion announcement video that the minion has those two types as it is being played, just not when the card first appears on screen.

it is not meant to be dual-minion-type, it is intended to have no minion type

if you want the honest answer, it was a Mech/Beast for a while because the original idea of the card is a riff on one of those cymbal-clapping monkeys. it made sense at the time to make it Mech/Beast. but once we went through the art process, this became a Hozen (not Beasts), and the final art came back looking very not-mech-y. so, no minion type!


Patch 28.6 is now live. With it, we’re kicking off our year-long 10-year anniversary celebration and starting on our path to Hearthstone’s next expansion: Whizbang’s Workshop! Make sure you check out our blogs for details.

With so many goodies in this patch, we’ve unfortunately hit a few snags, too. Here are some of the Known Issues we’re tracking in this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] In classic Shudderwock fashion, Harth Stonebrew’s iconic Shaman hand is appearing twice as frequently as intended and the iconic Mage hand isn’t appearing at all. This is scheduled to be corrected in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Hearthstone] Malfurion’s Gift contains the versions of Swipe and Wild Growth that currently exist. When cards are updated in Patch 29.0, they will pull from the updated versions.
  • [Resolved] [General] We are expecting a delay with the release of Patch 28.6 on the Samsung store. Affected players are expected to still be able to get it from the Goog...
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Patch 28.6, launching today, introduces Hearthstone’s next expansion, Whizbang’s Workshop, brings Quests back to Battlegrounds, and kicks off 10-year anniversary celebrations throughout the Tavern! 

Pre-Purchase Whizbang’s Workshop, Get Early Access Epics 

Find your new favorite toy in Hearthstone’s next expansion, Whizbang’s Workshop, coming March 19! Whizbang is opening up the doors to his world-famous workshop—the place where all of Azeroth’s greatest toys are made. He’s got Wind-Up Toys, Miniatures, and nonstop nostalgia. Find a new favorite toy or build your own—you can make all your wishes come true in Whizbang’s Workship! 

Whizbang’s Workshop has 145 all-new collectible cards. You can learn more about what’s in store in the ...

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12 Feb


Originally posted by xnick_uy

Mind Control... castable??

Mind Control will be changed to 9 mana