League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by KalixRajah

Thanks for your advice. I've been focusing more on trying to learn from my mistakes than get tilted. I'll try taking breaks after a loss and see if that helps me focus on the next game better :)

If you lose two in a row step away from ranked, maybe for the rest of the day. Probably the best possible advice.

Beyond that, it's:

*Focus on one role (and even one champ)

*Understand that no single game matters. You'll lose, you'll win -- keep your eye on the big picture

*Learn as much as you can about League. Most of low-Elo climbing is about situational awareness and game sense over mechanics. You can get to Gold just by making better decisions than the other team.

*Learn to trade. An ADC that knows how to effectively trade in Bronze/Silver won't be there long.

But, overall, stay posi and remember League is here for you to have fun. If it ever starts to stress you out, take a couple days off :)


can you prove you're not an AI already

20 Mar


not this week! actually I don't think we've scheduled the next one


Originally posted by Omnifinity

Are you the next Cactopus? Your comments suggest you're the next Cactopus.

i'm more of a willophin


Originally posted by 919471

But does she spin?

anyone can spin if you click fast enough


Originally posted by Xaiphus

Can't fight you, I'm polymorphed until next season :/

just like you deserve


In games where I feel close to tilting I often drag the chat window entirely off the screen. Muteall can help, as well.


How do you feel about your next game? Are you dreading a potential 14th loss, or has your descent merely removed the perception of importance surrounding any individual game and allowed you to ascend to a season-level perception, similar to how falling in a black hole allowed Carl's Jr. spokesman Matthew McConaughey to perceive a dimension beyond time and space?


Originally posted by sab39

So that means we're getting Star Guardian Urgot right?


17 Mar


Originally posted by marco_rennmaus

Wrong. If Schalke wins ties are going to be broken by looking against the results a team had vs. the other teams with the tie.

If Misfits wins their game, there is going to be a tiebreaker game between S04 and ROC. (Thanks to u/Timbolt for the correction)

Tiebreaker if MSF loses their game:

Place Team Standings
5 H2K 3 - 1
6 Schalke 04 2 - 2
7 ROCCAT 1 - 3

Tiebreaker if MSF wins their game:

Place Team Standings
5 H2K 4 - 2
6 ROCCAT 3 - 3
6 Schalke 04 3 - 3
8 Misfits 2 - 4

The bottom scenario is correct, the top one would have S04 at 2-2


Originally posted by Scatter5D

If S04 loses to FNC you guys go to playoffs as 6th seed

Correct, a tie at 8 wins between ROC, H2K and MSF means we apply "mini-standings" for those 3 teams where only their H2Hs count. That would result in

3-1 H2K

2-2 ROC

1-3 MSF

Therefore H2K would be 5th, ROC 6th.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Look guys we have new Cactopus.

we are all cactopi, on the inside.

16 Mar


Originally posted by Creath

I believe it. Riot's growth as a company is honestly incredible. It's hard to believe that 8 years-ish ago Riot was just a startup working on "the next DoTA".

You guys have come a long way!


Originally posted by Creath

But, from a DevOps perspective, shouldn't there be monitoring instrumentation in place to detect these kinds of failures?

I feel like whether or not a Riot employee personally noticed the downtime should be irrelevant. If you've only found out your store is down because Mike in Design was trying to buy the new Lulu skin, something has already gone very wrong.

You're not wrong. This was a long, long time ago.


Originally posted by krazerrr

I'm actually realizing this exact same thing at work! Workarounds are great for devs to bypass shitty workflow, but when your clients do it you have to be aware it exists and fix it, not ignore it 😅

I think there's an old story at Riot about the in-game store being totally broken and no one realizing it because no one used the store (because of having unlocked accounts).

You really can't improve things for players if you're pretending you aren't one.

15 Mar


Originally posted by sab39

Where Sivir?

you have to watch until the end


Originally posted by X_mLg_n0sc0p3r_X

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone remember another /dev post somewhat like this that went over the production of Camille's login theme? I've searched everywhere but I haven't been able to find it. Does anyone know where it went? It should have been released within the last year or so. Thanks in advance