Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

08 Mar


Originally posted by ShiroiAsa

I bought the alchemy bundle (on steam) with 15,000 gold yesterday. I got neither packs nor golden pack progress. And nothing in my inbox. I tried restart the game and played some new games. Nothing works! It seems that you guys didn't fix the bug!

You’re experiencing something different than that bug. Please contact customer support and they can help you out.

07 Mar


Originally posted by asteven50

Will you refund gems to all of us who were in the middle of a draft?

Inbox messages with reimbursements should be going out soon to anyone who got interrupted in the middle of drafting


Originally posted by KaaamiDieDreggSau

the game kicked me out and didnt let me log in - Error code 1

I restarted my router and I was able to log in again.

Maybe it helps

Thanks for the info! This one was a DB upgrade on our side that created some unexpected problems. It shouldn't need any action from players to fix; I think your timing just lined up right


Hey, sorry about this. We're experiencing an unexpected outage of our login systems. We're working to address, and expect things to be back up soon

Edit: Looks like it's fixed now. Please feel free to resume ignoring work/school to focus on Magic

05 Mar


Are you playing through Epic? We've seen a couple of examples of this through there. Making sure the game updates should fix this.

Nope, this was something different, not platform-specific. Should be fixed now, though!


Originally posted by DepressedWizzard

Any timeframe on when we will get access to the bundle?

Working on it now. The thing that should have worked to fix it didn't, so we're digging deeper. No current ETA, but we're trying to get it back up soon


Yup! We just discovered that as well. We've temporarily disabled that bundle while we fix it, and we'll be automatically granting your missing Golden Packs soon, so keep an eye on your inbox

Edit: Bundle is back, Golden Packs progress confirmed. We'll be getting missing rewards out to players via Inbox.

Edit 2: The inbox messages have been sent out now, so everyone should have their missing Golden Packs restored

04 Mar


Originally posted by ppminstrel

Great to see a lot of events available for this month. So thanks WotC for all of those.
If u/WotC_Jay or one of the other members of WotC see this .

How will the Mkm Alchemy Draft Packs work? Will they be the normal Play boosters with a common replaced with an Alchemy Card? As this will be the first Alchemy set since Play boosters were introduced.

For MKM Alchemy, we're just adding the Alchemy cards in as a new slot, rather than replacing anything. So the boosters for the Alchemy draft will have 14 cards, rather than the 13 in normal MKM draft.

Play Boosters are new, so we may need to play around with a couple approaches before we find what we think works best here. So no guarantees that's how it will stay for OTJ, but that's the MKM plan.

28 Feb


Originally posted by FormerPlayer

Given the clear data pattern that MWM events that don't require having a particular deck tend to get more participation, isn't it possible to interpret the MOMIR data as there is low barrier to entry so people will play the event to get rewards in spite of not actually enjoying the event? Is it possible that in such a case that engagement may not be the best measure of the success or enjoyment of an event? Support of the hypotheses that people are playing for the rewards could come from examining whether or not people continue competing for wins past their 3rd win, or examining polls of whether people had fun this match. Lower probabilities of enjoyed given win and low probability of fun given loss would be an interesting comparison to other events if you haven't already looked at that. 

Thanks for participating in the forum and giving us insight into the decision making process! 

As you bring up, there are a variety of ways to measure the "goodness" of a MWM event format. Allowing more players to play is one way to do that, and Momir excels there. Behaviors like playing past rewarded wins (indicating enjoyment) are also good, and that tends to come from events that require unique deckbuilding constraints (that also get much lower participation).

Basically, different formats drive different types of positive experiences, and that's why MWM offers a variety


Originally posted by TheRealArtemisFowl

Do you have data on why that is? I imagine it's pretty hard to measure, but it would be interesting to know.

My leading theory is that it's because it's the only game mode that can be played well without thinking about anything, just hitting buttons and hoping for good rng, and that makes it "relaxing" compared to the rest of the game, but maybe there's something I'm missing.

Data is, in general, pretty clear on "what" and pretty quiet on "why". There is a clear pattern that modes that don't require having a particular deck (Momir, precon, even limited) tend to get more participation. Which makes sense, when you think about it.


Thanks for the morning chuckle. Also, you're in good company. Momir is consistently one of our most-played MWM formats (which is part of why we keep running it).

26 Feb


Originally posted by DCG-MTG

I wonder if Incorporate only affects the regular cost of the creature, or alternate casting costs as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some more broken with it regardless, but disguises seem kinda nuts with it if alternate costs aren’t affected.

T3 Guildpact Greenwalker, T4 play face down Pyrotechnic Performer, that can then turn into a face up 7/6 (that domes the Opp for 7!) for just R.

Hey! Wanted to toss a quick note that we did update the language here for clarity and accuracy to the following:

Incorporate perpetually adds an additional casting cost to that card, adding any new colors from that cost, and adds abilities/text to that card for the rest of the game.

That said, I also went to the experts to confirm that yes, you can do this! In your above exmaple, the Pyrotechnic Performer would be facedown on the stack without the perpetual ability from Guildpact Greenwalker, so it would cost 3 to Disguise. Then, since turning a card face up isn't casting it, the cost would be R and the card would turn over with its perpetual abilities.

Hope this helps and nice find - definitely good cards to play together! :)


Originally posted by Glorious_Invocation

Quote from the announcement explaining the new mechanic:

Cards in this release will incorporate a new mechanic that's fitting for the set: incorporate! A card that incorporates adds an additional mandatory mana cost to another card, and that second card gains additional attributes/text. Incorporate perpetually adds an additional casting cost to that card, adding any new colors from that cost, and adds abilities/text to that card for the rest of the game.

Or TLDR: Makes your creatures cost more but come in beefier.

Hey! Wanted to toss a quick note that we did update the language here for clarity and accuracy to the following:

Incorporate perpetually adds an additional casting cost to that card, adding any new colors from that cost, and adds abilities/text to that card for the rest of the game.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Glitterblossom

When you mention this stuff in the mtg Discord channel’s arena design channel, the answer you get (if you get one at all) is always some variant of, “Well, we’ve got enough on our plate with just putting tentpole sets on Arena, and I can’t take on extra work if I wanna keep being employed.”

Which is like. True. Obviously, I don’t fault individual devs. But it’s very telling that this is all anyone can say on the matter. Your company claims it’ll use its employees to do things, and then stretches them far too thin to actually accomplish them? It speaks to an utter incompetence of management—something that’s easy enough to know if you ever look up wotc employee reviews on Glassdoor.

Each time this game improves, it seems to be in spite of the way management allocates resources, not because of it.

Ian, who is the main person responding on Discord's design channel, leads the Cardset team, which is responsible for making new cardsets work. So yes, that's where his focus is. Achievements are being worked on by a different team.

16 Feb


Originally posted by girlywish

They probably filter out responses that correlate that way and look at the games where it's opposite.

Exactly right. Yes, winning & happy responses are highly correlated, but there are very interesting things to learn by looking at who's not happy even when they are winning, what modes are fun even when you lose, etc.

14 Feb


Originally posted by Wegenstein

An update on this would be nice.
Its been over a week since release, and I at least haven't gotten my preorder packs. :(

The automatic fix for this was completed a week ago. If you're still missing your pre-order packs, please contact CS. And sorry about that!

07 Feb


Originally posted by JEASHL

How soon?

We are in-progress and hope to have it completed today


Originally posted by Jingleshells

I guess I have to continue waiting for the text bug to be completely fixed. Or if anyone knows if reinstalling the game fixes it? I know the notes have fixed some issues but I still can't see card names or numbers. By numbers I do mean like any number that is present on arena including the numbers for how much gold and xp you get for quest. Makes drafting a new set reeeeeaaaallllly hard.

This is not a common issue, and it sounds like a re-install might help you


This is a bug. As a player that loves cosmetics and limited, I am very sad. We'll get it fixed.


There will be stickers. We discovered a late bug with the bundle and had to disable it. It should be back soon.