Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

27 Dec


By default the skills that were QWERT are now QERFT. Of these, T is certainly the most annoying and I tend to avoid putting anything there that I need often.

I haven't found this to be an issue in practice. Typically the skills that have more of a "doing in motion" type aspect to them you put on the mouse. You have 3 buttons there.

Then the other skills tend to be more of the style where you use them at the right moment, and those work just fine on the other keys.


Generally speaking, if the skill allowed you to control movement direction by holding the mouse before (and in PoE2, many many skills allow this) then you can control it with WASD also.


We intend to have skills for multiple elements for each weapon type, but maybe not always every element.

For example, the Quarterstaves with the Monk. We have a well developed Lightning, Cold and Physical (wind themed) set, but don't have a developed Fire set.

While this is not always respected, Fire is loosely aligned with Strength as an attribute, and it's the exact opposite in terms of attribute alignment with Monk (Being Dex/Int).

I still try to add a bit of synergy just for kicks though. We have skills that interact with elemental ailments, and we make sure to include a Burning interaction just in case someone wants to try and make a build with it.


It is my intention to allow this.

The integration of PoE1 and PoE2 realms is work that is ongoing, but this is one of the planned features.

26 Dec

24 Dec


Of these, Carrion Crone stands out as lame for sure. Probably one of the earliest T3 bosses we made in poe2 and she hasn’t aged well.

It’s a remnant of the old way we made uniques in areas which was “take a monster from the area and make a reskin and add a couple more abilities”. We have come a long way since then.

She will need an upgrade before beta!

18 Dec


Originally posted by DumbOne_Rs

I know it's 6 months ago since you did this, but Tibbs is one I can't see on the wiki.

Added Tibbs to the wiki!

17 Dec


Hi! We're aware of server performance in Europe and are working on a fix. Thank you for your patience!

Edit: we've made some improvements to the stability of the servers and will be keeping a close eye on them.

31 Oct


Originally posted by Brief-Cut-1228

That's cool man what part of the team are/were you then?

Game Design back then.


Mark1, the gameplay programmer, came up with the affix for it. We were kicking around with a few things that fit with the league (it was meant to work specifically with the league mechanic (Nemesis), but none of them quite worked, until Mark said he could do the affix that works oh so well on Headhunter.

The Gull was the sibling unique, which was the one for Domination.

27 Aug


Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it, it's been fantastic to see so many people playing the demo and generally seeming to have a good time.

10 Aug


Bye Reddit <3 Thanks for all the good times

30 Jul


Originally posted by Xhibbi1

Nothing here points toward him intentionally closing the game, until it was frozen for a few seconds. He had nothing on him and was full life:

Not my theory actually, it was Jonathan’s 🤷🏻‍♂️


Originally posted by [deleted]


Um, why exactly?


Originally posted by claporga

Really sad for Nick but really hyped for Tie as well. Heartbreaking for Havoc as well. Tie looked like he was pacing himself based on the server notifications. More defense early on, not taking fire mastery or spiritual command and was still pacing neck and neck for the first three acts with Nick. Nick’s overall speed, especially in the last half was absolutely bonkers. Havoc even gained ground and wasn’t too far behind despite the 20 second mishap (also zaps your mojo).

E: tyty looked like he was just content to be there. Happy for him too.

E2: havoc’s crash was probably 30+ second lost. That can really mess up your mental in an hour long race.

The prevailing theory is that Havoc didn’t crash. That was an alt-F4 to avoid dying, which would have looked exactly the same as a freeze based on how the servers were set up. He didn’t even look frustrated, just waited it out while it rebooted. Losing 20 seconds is a lot better than losing 60.


Originally posted by Imreallythatguy

Do we know that he actually took all that time off? I guess i assumed he still plays but just stays out of the spotlight.

He didn’t get that swole clicking a mouse.


Originally posted by ncann123

I know nothing about body building, was all that muscles natural or was he on something? Just curious.

He’s a young guy, producing natural anabolic steroids as a consequence of testosterone production. You do not need to take anything at all to look like that in your mid 20s.

05 Jul

03 Jul


Originally posted by GodofShinyThings

Do you know who voices High Templar Avarius?

Asked around, this was a really tough one because Avarius had so few lines, but we think it's Joseph Wycoff.