
Temtem Dev Tracker

29 May


Hiya, Tamers!

Housing is such a fantastic way to display your creativity and interior-decorating skills! And boy, some of you DO have those skills. Today we’ve gathered a showcase of Tamer houses, sent in by our community, to really show how versatile and how neat your Temtem home can be. Sit and relax, we’ll walk you through it!

Tamer Nouva, code Y-00008-C


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22 May

    Tsukki on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello again, Tamers! As we approach the launch date for patch 1.7, it’s time for us to share some of the content planned for it! As usual, remember this is just a preview, and we’ll go more in-depth over the features and changes in the 1.7 patch notes.

A new Season: Neon Reverie
This new Season is special in so many ways. We’ve been through a lot of Seasons together, and explored a chunk of cultures, colors and themes hand in hand! Now, under sparkling neon lights, we reach Temtem’s last Season. It’s a moment filled with sadness, nostalgia, and tenderness towards all the Seasons we’ve discovered and enjoy! To close it off on the best note possible, this Season’s theme is pop culture, urban lifestyle and a tiny pinch of well-intentioned weebness. This wonderful mix of traditional and modern flowers in Cipanku, especially in Neoedo. Enjoy the latest trends or experience burning nostalgia in a vivid array of colors!

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Hello again, Tamers! As we approach the launch date for patch 1.7, it’s time for us to share some of the content planned for it! As usual, remember this is just a preview, and we’ll go more in-depth over the features and changes in the 1.7 patch notes.


A new Season: Neon Reverie

This new Season is special in so many ways. We’ve been through a lot of Seasons together, and explored a chunk of cultures, colors and themes hand in hand! Now, under sparkling neon lights, we reach Temtem’s last Season. It’s a moment filled with sadness, nostalgia, and tenderness towards all the Seasons we’ve discovered and enjoy! To close it off on the best note possible, this Season’s theme is pop culture, urban lifestyle and a tiny pinch of well-intentioned weebness. This wonderful mix of traditional and modern flowers in Cipanku, especially in Neoedo. Enjoy the latest trends or experience burning nostalgia in a vivid array of colors!


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20 May

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Der_Bambus_King

Contacting my provider worked. Now the coop runs as intended.

Thank you all for your help.

Just out of curiosity, what did you ask specifically to the provider?

25 Apr


Welcome, Tamers, to the first-ever in-depth Meet the Team, where you get to know more about the devs working on Temtem and Temtem: Swarm! We plan to hold these little segments from time to time, so everyone can become more familiar with the Crema devs, and get to see the people they are behind the game.

On this occasion we sit with the VFX team, which consists of Kees Klop, Alberto Abanses, and Mario Belén, to chat about their day to day, their favorite work of theirs, their road in Crema, and some quirky questions so we can get a deeper look into who they are. Let’s begin!

Kees Klop


  • Tell us a bit about yourself and your background! How long have you been at Crema? Have you worked in a similar role before?


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15 Apr

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You don't need to claim it again, it's bound to your account, not your character. Even if you delete your character and create a new one, you will still have all the cosmetics (they will be waiting for you in the Vault located in the Temporium).

03 Apr

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Crazy_Performance565

IIRC the actual reason they aren’t doing an offline mode rn is because it would take a lot of development time to rework a game made for online into offline, so they’re holding it off until it’s actually necessary. Correct me if I’m wrong tho

Correct. There are more reasons, but that's one of the main ones, yes.

25 Mar

  • We’ve added the character name and TamerID to the section in Settings where you could check your Support ID.
  • 👥We’ve correctly updated Bunbun and Hidody’s Umbra Radar prices and they now match that of similar Tems.

Balance PvE
  • We’ve increased the the bonus that the Isolated Status Conditions offers while capturing Temtem, from 1.0x ⇒ 1.3x.
  • We’re aware that removing Cage from some Tems may affect some capture methods in the PvE environment. We hope that we can provide useful and valid alternatives for PvE players by making Isolated have the same catch rate bonus.
  • We have removed Venx from Musa’s Rematch roster.

PvP Temtem
  • #012 – Tateru
    • Resilient has been removed from its traits.
    • Burglar has been added to its traits.
  • #021 – Bu...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MikeYancy25

Can I have the discord link?


  • We’ve added the character name and TamerID to the section in Settings where you could check your Support ID.
  • 👥We’ve correctly updated Bunbun and Hidody’s Umbra Radar prices and they now match that of similar Tems.



  • We’ve increased the the bonus that the Isolated Status Conditions offers while capturing T...
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    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Server is currently on maintenance, you can check our discord or https://twitter.com/maintemnance in order to know when the server is back up again.

23 Mar

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

For the Kudos you need to have capture the Temtem as OT (it has a different icon in the Tempedia with a 👤). We’ve been doing a lot of fixes on this topic over the past patches and we haven’t heard of any inconsistencies for a time, so that’s probably your current problem.

If you believe you have an inconsistency, and you have all the Tems captured as OT and you don’t have the Kudo, send us an email to [email protected] and we can take a look at your account and see what’s going on.

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Make sure to post this in our discord or write us to [email protected]

And please include your Tamer id or nickname if you know it.

08 Mar

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You need Temtem Plus to link the Switch version to crossplay, doesn’t matter if it’s the primary or the secondary.

04 Mar

Hello, Tamers! We’re here to share with you an open letter to the community, to reach out to you.

We’ve been listening to you for a long time, and we are aware of your concerns and worries. Over the past few weeks we've seen an uptick in the community expression of unhappiness and doubt following the lead-up to, and the announcement of Temtem: Swarm. We’ve been listening to and taking in that feedback, processing it internally, and we think it’s time we have an open chat with you addressing all of it.

With this open letter we want to try and answer the most recent, pressing questions, to shed some light on the future of both Temtem and our studio, and to offer a bit more insight into our development decisions, learnings, and the upcoming path.

This will be a long post, as we wanted to be thorough in answering your questions and provide context for our decisions. We also recognize we’ve made mistakes in the past and want to address them directly and sincerely ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Hello, Tamers! We’re here to share with you an open letter to the community, and to reach out to you.

We’ve been listening to you for a long time, and we are aware of your concerns and worries. Over the past few weeks we’ve seen an uptick in the community expression of unhappiness and doubt following the lead-up to, and the announcement of Temtem: Swarm. We’ve been listening to and taking in that feedback, processing it internally, and we think it’s time we have an open chat with you addressing all of it.

With this open letter we want to try and answer the most recent, pressing questions, to shed some light on the future of both Temtem and our studio, and to offer a bit more insight into our development decisions, learnings, and the upcoming path.

This will be a long post, as we wanted to be thorough in answering your questions and provide context for our decisions. We also recognize we’ve made mistakes in the past an...

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25 Feb

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Send an email to [email protected] or open a bug report on the discord. Make sure to include your tamer name so we can locate you and help your situation.