9 months
ago -
Lucía Prieto
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Hiya, Tamers!
Housing is such a fantastic way to display your creativity and interior-decorating skills! And boy, some of you DO have those skills. Today we’ve gathered a showcase of Tamer houses, sent in by our community, to really show how versatile and how neat your Temtem home can be. Sit and relax, we’ll walk you through it!
Tamer Nouva, code Y-00008-C
Tamer Clover Jade, code G-00032-A
Tamer Activity, code V-00372-B
Tamer Marsh, code 0-00010-C
Tamer Immanence, code A-00004-C
Tamer Thyira, code S-00051-A
Tamer Fuzzyboots, code E-00099-D
Tamer Lufia, code L-00061-B
Tamer Lubelia, code Q-00147-A
Tamer Pika-Blur, code G-00070-D
Tamer FallenOak, code Z-00177-B
Tamer Dev, code V-00007-C
Tamer P’umpkin Kat, code H-00277-A
Tamer Sourak, code K-00019-A
Tamer mahgpie, code S-00006-B
Tamer savanalion
Tamer Aleh, code D-00170-D
Tamer Miltiades, code G-00059-A
Tamer Artra, code A-00002-D
Tamer Laney, code B-00365-C
Tamer Lithirrdys, code R-00106-C
Tamer Laknightress, code O-00010-B
Tamer Pip Posit, code N-00426-D
Tamer Zavien, code W-00005-B
Tamer Kaith, code H-00354-B
Tamer MrsPeach, code M-00372-B
Tamer Argis
Tamer Broccolem
Tamer Best Friendo, code H-00420-C
Tamer Report, code J-00081-D
That’s it for the housing showcase, but there’ll be more community showcases to come, so stay tuned (and maybe consider perfecting your outfit) and we’ll see you in the next Community showcase! Huge thank you to everyone who sent us pictures of their Temtem homes! You’re the best
Until then, have fun and Temtem up!