

22 Nov


Originally posted by Iridar51

Just a whole ton of animation work would be involved.

How much animation work, exactly? Kind of a brag, but I was able to create animations for pistol dual wielding mod for XCOM 2 in three weeks or so. And I'm an amateur.

A lot of animation work. It is a new wield type so there would need to be custom locomotion animations (passive, active and ADS stances, as well as jumps, falls, and lands), reloads, deaths, firing recoils, additives for aiming, custom vehicle animations, hit recoils, etc. And that is just the actual animation work. There also needs to be the animation network support for handling all of these new animations. It also has to be done for both first and third person for everything I just listed. Looking at the video I am sure you have a sense of this stuff, it is just a in a larger scale than XCOM. It is quite a time investment to do this right.

03 May


Fingers alone get my 10/10. We just need to combine this change with another to add grief when damaging yourself and we will have the NC playing much better as a team in no time.

29 Nov


Originally posted by Atemu12

It has an underscore either at the beginning or the end, can't remember though.

Let's just try it, the worst that could happen is that we poke a stranger: /u/Sherman_ /u/_Sherman

Your on to me!

Bill answered the question pretty well already. Likely possible but it would definitely have to become a targeted feature with code and ui support. I'll mention it and see if there in interest.

07 Jul


Originally posted by Pan_Drzewo

It can appear on galaxy buldogs too.

yeah, they are the same asset. Got repro on this and fixed in internally this morning.


Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look.

30 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is all based on the rig you are running, but that is why I put the higher impact FX on high... so you can opt of of them.

My comment was more directed at the fact that it was not capturing the effect in all its glory. By all means run the settings that make the most sense for you.

29 Jun


Originally posted by SonofFink

I was hoping for sparklers, but we got freedom popsicles


Where are the high particle settings? :-(


Originally posted by [deleted]

I always thought it was a problem with the loadout interface being bugged and that's it. When I'd actually deploy, the MSW would be wearing the gun camouflage I'd selected even though the loadout screen showed it wearing my armor camouflage. Didn't know it showed on my screen as my selected gun camouflage and showed on other player's screens as what I'd selected for armor camouflage.

Probably the most I've ever written the word camouflage.

Billbacca sent this my way and I just got it fixed. It is too late for the small patch that is coming this week, but the next content patch should have it for everyone.

23 May


Originally posted by Hell_Diguner



Here you go. Problem solved!

22 May


Originally posted by FischiPiSti

Nobody mentions the gatekeeper is SPINNING AGAIN?! This is the most important dakka change ever, thank you based /u/billbacca or /u/ps2-bishop or /u/_sherman or whoever did this

No problem. I hate to see those animation go to waste if they don't have too.

09 May


Are you just running forward and then stopping here? This gets me repro for the broken fingers issue I have been looking for, but I don't get the flipping or closed fist. The closed fist is only being used on reverse wield knifes, which is why the knife is flipping around. It is playing the wrong run animation for that knife.

If you have any ideas how you got this to play let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!

28 Apr


Originally posted by McKvack11

that firing animation looks dope

/u/_sherman any chance to get the TR pin move while firing?(this thing https://gyazo.com/afebc4bd2d6c7b2ad9a78cb38be1b727)

also when reloading cougar the long reload only changes magazine without moving back the bolt. Worked a some patch ago

Hey, sorry for the delayed response...

Thanks for the heads up about the cougar, I'll take a look. As for the TR pin, it is possible, definitely. I'll take a look at that too and see if there is an easy way to get some of those animating!

11 Mar


Originally posted by VORTXS

Any idea why it kills everything then have the explosion effect? It seems to do it whenever it's more that 5 people attacking it.

In short, no I don't.

I assume it has something to do with how design data is interacting with code and not syncing with the effect. I am sure you are thinking "Of course dummy" but as I said, don't know why it is doing this as I only did the art side of the explosion.


Originally posted by brtd_steveo

/u/_sherman nioce splosion :P

Thanks. I like make things go boom.

Doing that effect and the Orbital Strike explosion were both pretty fun.

03 Mar


Originally posted by FateJH

as if the bullet is hitting an invisible wall

For what it's worth, there is an invisible wall there.

Yes there is and that is what he is seeing. Its a long standing issue with those invisible walls that requires code support.


I noticed this when I was online yesterday as well. I don't know what changed that caused this to break again, but I already made a note to look into this. Thanks for the report.

Edit: I should also say that the main issue I noticed with it was I got a huge FPS drop from it. Close range will still give you blinding like effects in some cases (usually a slow coast into a turret like this). It is part of the constraints with the tools I am working with. Namely wanting a pilot to see explosions in third person view but not first person.

27 Feb


Originally posted by SHINYREDBULLETS

Pillbox! Repair Zone is directly under the terminal :)

Thanks! I think I noticed and fixed that one :-)


Originally posted by SHINYREDBULLETS

Awesome! What a boss :D

If you're able to answer - is it possible / are there any plans to turn those "socket" looking marks on top of the Bunker into actual snap-to locations for other modules? There's a few that would look/feel really kinda correct, such as the turrets :D

That is the intention of those points. If/when that will be made available is another question.

24 Feb


Originally posted by fingerback

Can we get pedestrian bridges added as construction deployables?

That is already on an internal construction objects idea list. We have been slowly making the objects that are on that list and releasing them. If/when it will be done, I don't know though.


Originally posted by Quartz_Hertz


Glad it's not more common then.

From the sound of this, additional sockets will likely only make it harder to place modules, and not fix the issue you want addressed here. I am going to leave the module sockets alone for now, as making bases harder to build bases is not the goal here. If we are given reproducible steps to get modules underground, then we/I can look at what can be done to stop it.