

27 May


Originally posted by Georgie_Leech

That is, DoT's do damage consistently, rather than in the chunks displayed visually?

Well, it's still in chunks but they happen every 0.25s and are then batched for display. The healthbar and death checks happen immediately.


Originally posted by Practical-Face-3872

What about Soul Blast from drain life when you convert drain life to poison? Soul Blast is a hit and the conversion node says it also converts Soul blast. So Soul blast should be a poison hit right? And hits can crit?

It applies stacks of poison instead. There are no sources of poison hit damage in the game.


Originally posted by -swafe-

Just a suggestion here :) - you could make poison damage from players scale off of crit chance. It could continue being unable to crit, but maybe the DoT ticks (the ailment) tick faster the more crit stat you have. This way, it will both achieve the goal of poison ailment being unique-er that the bleed and ignite, and make poison damage more valuable in late game/more on par with the other damage types (I might be wrong, but haven't heard of many poison builds).

Poison has been the best in the game multiple times and there are still several good poison builds out there. It also already ticks way faster than it seems. We just bundle them visually so you don't see a mess of useless numbers. You could make it just scale damage with crit but that feels kinda artificial to me. Maybe a specific node or item that gives that.


Originally posted by Overthinks_Questions

What is the design purpose of having poison be purely DoT, where ever other element can do either? Oh wait, does necrotic have a DoT?

Necrotic doesn't have a widely represented ailment associated with it along the same lines as ignite or bleed but it does have dot ailments.

It's a few things but I think the simplest thing is just thematically. Like, just in real life, if someone were to spray a poisonous liquid on your arm, it wouldn't really hurt, it would just feel like water spraying on your arm. Any damage that it did would be from the physical nature of it hitting you.

On top of that, having things be different and unique give them different ways to think about the build. We already get enough feedback that ignite and bleed are too similar. If we let Poison have hit damage, it would be even more similar. The differences are what make these things interesting.

26 May


Yes. The only damage type that can't crit are dots. Poison is always a dot so poison also can't ever crit.


Are you asking about an in game key to enter a dungeon or arena?

25 May


Originally posted by maxabazillion

Is this something to do with why Warlock profane veil constantly stutters and locks up and prevents movement in certain scenarios? It 100% of the time happens against Julra, causing many unfortunate deaths.
Number 1 frustrating glitch with Warlock class

It's nothing to do with any class or ability in particular. You can read OP's previous posts that they linked for the details.

24 May


I'm not sure what became of it but I did see the back end guys working on the issue after your last post. I'm hoping that this is the cause of all the rubberbanding reports that we couldn't make heads or tails of.

23 May


It does have the PlayStation button prompts but because it's going through an Nvidia device, I suspect that it will force the Xbox buttons. We don't have a way for you to manually select which you want.


Originally posted by lotus1788

"Please don't downvote people just because you disagree with them" That's what downvoting is for? It's just a little arrow, not name-calling or something aggressive.

It is entirely possible that I don't understand what it's for. I upvote way too many people ony you're right.


Originally posted by leaguegotold

Whilst I agree that endgame content is more important than the story (although I feel ARPGs are let off the hook too much when it comes to delivering a quality story compared to traditional RPGs), I feel phrasing the question as an either-or is a false dichotomy.

A release version of a game should have a complete story arc and a decent endgame. That’s not to say that more story or endgame features cant or won’t be developed later, but in my opinion calling the release of a game 1.0 that doesn’t include the above just doesn’t really feel like a full release.

EHG might be calling this 1.0 (or whatever the current version is), but personally I won’t consider LE out of early access until as a minimum the story is completed. Looking at the roadmap, it doesn’t even look like this will be the case after 1.4 releases.

That means one year post-release we still probably won’t have a finished campaign.

I don’t mean my comments to be unkind, the work yo...

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It's not unkind, I just disagree that a complete campaign is required to exist for 1.0. And it's ok that we disagree on that.


Originally posted by RockyBlocky

Some new chapters would be lovely for enemy variety but honestly I would love some difficulty options for main story. Loved playing GD on max difficulty starting with lvl 1.

It's not quite the same thing but we did add the boots that make it super hard mode that work from level 1.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I think you couldn't stop it because a lot of people probably expect a full release/1.0 version of a game to have a complete story line to some extend. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but calling this patch 1.0 was an odd decision imo.

The vast majority of the feedback that we get tells us very clearly that end game content is dramatically more valuable overall than story content. So leading up to 1.0, that was our main focus. 1.0 was the first version where we had all of our planned classes available and our end game was feeling like a proper end game set of systems.

With a live service model game, the story will always be expanding and evolving. It's hard to draw a line and say that at any one point is where the story is "ready for release".

We considered many scenarios and plans for a path to 1.0 in very specific detail. We are very pleased with our decision and hindsight being 20/20, I would do it again just the same.

14 May


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Ah I see. Great job on the way it currently works though, I love seeing that quick shift from an untidy mess of me picking things up into smooth layers.

On a side note both the sorting and the general use of stash boxes would improve if it didn’t have 17 rows. Nothing goes into 17 so things always end up wonky.

Lol I know, it bothers me so much. That and also how the sort doesn't put 1x1s side by side to make a pair so you don't get that awkward 1x17 section down the right side. We just hired a dedicated UI dev for the first time to redo all these janky old bits of my code floating around.


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Can you change the tiebreaker to alphabetical so that unique items are at least sorted into groups with each other?

It's on the list to be updated properly. It doesn't know the name of the item and the tiebreaker is just incidental, it's not actually coded. So it's not just a matter of switching what it's looking at.


Originally posted by kz9000

Would you guys consider allowing us to vote on what is released? Have a poll going for the month with a few concepts that we could vote on for our favorite. Might increase the hype around a new cosmetic release.

I think it's a cool idea. We don't really have the spare art assets to make concept art for mtx that we don't follow through on. We are just trying to add as much as we can right now as the shop still feels kinda bare. If it is good enough that we would be confident to present it as an option, then we would probably just want to make it regardless. Maybe once we get the mtx options settled a little more.


Yea, my sorting algorithm was never meant to go into production 6 years ago. All it cares about is object size. It then uses age as an incidental tiebreaker so it just knows that all those 1x1s are "sorted nicely".

Edit: someone just told me they are actually working on this already.


Originally posted by sathwik93

Oh ok thank you for the clarification.

I didn't mean add a sixth skill specialization though. Just a key on which we can only map traversal skills, and does the dodge roll if the binded traversal skill is in cooldown. Said traversal skill doesn't even have to be specialized.

I can understand the concern with extra keybind on ARPG (one comment in this thread mentioned it) but if we most likely have a new button to trigger dodge roll, might as well well xpand it's functionality to trigger a traversal skill if available

But extrapolating your point, I guess it would be difficult for balance and gameplay flow if you seperate out traversal skill as the player can have 5 damage skills available to him instead of four.

Edit: sorry I just saw your request to use evade instead of dodge.

It's less about not wanting to add a 6th button and more about not wanting to add a 6th specialization slot and wanting equal spec slots and ability bar slots which implies the requirement of not adding a 6th non-spec bar slot.

Also, please try to use Evade as we aren't adding a Dodge roll.


One of the requirements we had for the system was to not add a 6th specializable ability slot. This suggestion would require compromising the other systems in a way we are not comfortable with.

Option 1: delete all of the traversal still trees. It then is just a class specific version of what we are already doing while also effectively deleting 10 skills at the same time.

Option 2: remove one of the other ability slots at the same time. That turns this into us just locking one of the slots on your bar and giving it a coooldown effect.

I can't think of another way to make this work and both of these are non starters for me personally.

It's a neat idea but even if we didn't have to make another of those adjustments, it also increases the complexity of the overall system higher than we want.

This was an option we considered which is why I know the reasons we didn't do it off the top of my head.

Edit: also, please please please start u...

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13 May


Does it depend on our react to the state of the game?

If yes, not ok. If no, maybe ok but not conclusive.