about 23 hours
ago -
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Ladders are learn by doing rather than learn by watching. Once you stop being a spectator and actually play for yourself you will find that the ladders work just fine. With all the alleged tens of thousands of product returns due to ladders it is interesting that yours is one of the only threads I've ever read at this level of boiling blood. You'd think there would be more to read on this subject unless....maybe just watching others play isn't giving you the full experience you can have with using ladders.
Also, broken leg remedies are not locked behind skill trees. You can craft a splint before you spend a single skill point and you are not required to climb out onto a ladder to check the horde. There are other ways to design a base.
Hopefully you will come to see this as you actually put some play time in rather than just watching others.
Also, broken leg remedies are not locked behind skill trees. You can craft a splint before you spend a single skill point and you are not required to climb out onto a ladder to check the horde. There are other ways to design a base.
Hopefully you will come to see this as you actually put some play time in rather than just watching others.