5 months
ago -
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The voxel terrain adapts to surrounding terrain blocks. If you can't place a block there, it is 'occupied' for structural integrity purposes. As long as there is an unbroken line of blocks (terrain or otherwise) from bedrock, the vertical support is infinite. Horizontal support (extensions from a vertical pillar that DO NOT have an unbroken line from the bottom; IE, a ceiling, a roof) is finite as you know.
Fyi you can place building frames to flatten the terrain out and smooth out some of those dips and rises. That gap in the bottom right is there Because you built one block lower, but it wont affect integrity.
In short,
B=Buiilding blocks
This is kindof a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ diagram of what you have there, The two Y terrain blocks are morphing to eachother, causing that slope/gap between the blocks. And just to restate, this is fine, it wont affect integrity. If you Can place a block in that space however, it will affect integrity.
Fyi you can place building frames to flatten the terrain out and smooth out some of those dips and rises. That gap in the bottom right is there Because you built one block lower, but it wont affect integrity.
In short,
B=Buiilding blocks
This is kindof a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ diagram of what you have there, The two Y terrain blocks are morphing to eachother, causing that slope/gap between the blocks. And just to restate, this is fine, it wont affect integrity. If you Can place a block in that space however, it will affect integrity.