Originally posted by Flamekeeper: explain.... and you can add the option to allow it on specific servers or not...
Valheim: Hop into world, Fresh server and everyone's just starting. New player joins-- Oh no. He's decked out in top tier gear, and goes and slays all the bosses one by one, forcing the other players to contend with attacks of increasingly dangerous enemies the likes of which they are not AT ALL prepared for since they haven't even progressed to basic metal equipment by the time he's finished.
In 7DTD terms, It'd be as if suddenly everyone was catapulted into feral radiated zombies with spitting cops and demolishers everywhere.
Not to mention that a player might be, oh, I dont know..an admin on his own server with cross progression enabled, and is able to spawn himself a full inventory of gear and weapons and materials; and then go to another server upon which he isnt an admin and still have all of that.
And that's just scratching at the tip of the iceberg of problems involved. I do understand the desire for such a feature; But..It's probably not going to happen; And I personally don't think it should for numerous reasons.