about 4 years
ago -
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Nope. Never had a playthrough where I had an issue with screamers. I take care around my base to not produce so much heat that I get a screamer ever- Often going 30+ days easily before even seeing one. And once I see one, I back up a bit on my activity level, and split production to a new nearby location so all my activity producers aren't in one place.
The biggest mistake a lot make is they get to mid game, they get a gun, then they start going hog with it shooting everything that moves..Guns are LOUD, and produce a lot of activity which in turn calls screamers easily. Then using your gun to kill the screamer and her horde will just cause more heat and cause another screamer even sooner.
Take care with your activity, and you'll be fine. Be careless, and you'll run into trouble.
The biggest mistake a lot make is they get to mid game, they get a gun, then they start going hog with it shooting everything that moves..Guns are LOUD, and produce a lot of activity which in turn calls screamers easily. Then using your gun to kill the screamer and her horde will just cause more heat and cause another screamer even sooner.
Take care with your activity, and you'll be fine. Be careless, and you'll run into trouble.