over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I mean...the Blade traps and at least one of the two turrets are 'Late Game', requiring steel. The majority of existing traps are early or mid game.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by xerxius:
Originally posted by Mr Blue Playdoh: They are useless and break in like 1 hour of a horde night
They are not useless, you just need to repair them.
This. You can't just set and forget traps, Or walls even. Zombies WILL break them eventually, sooner or later.

Instead you should be finding a way to, for example, work maintenance passages/corridors/tunnels so you can repair vital things like blade traps throughout the night. Or to set up multiple pathways for zombies to use controlled by doors you open/close from a control room to guide them through areas with fresh traps.. Use some ingenuity to take the 'problem' and solve it.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Subarc:
Originally posted by Lelo Mariin: Turrets are not traps. Turrets are a static defence

And yes, you should turn turrets on or off via a switch. To conserve ammo or NOT TO TRIGGER A SWITCH that goes BOOOOOM ::steamhappy:

While i understand what you are saying, i think turrets are traps in the sense that zombies walk around a corner,up some steps, past a hole in the wall, etc, and BOOOM! Smoked. Thats a trap and also a defense. I also get that you can turn turrets on and off. My point was that you cant use those defenses/traps late game for fear of triggering demo zombies. So now a late game trap/defense item (turret) is relegated to almost strictly aiming at the sky to kill birds in the late game. I dont think that is a good use for what used to be a great trap/defense.
Ehm.. No? You can very much use turrets against demos. You just have to be intelligent about doing so. The most notable example of which is that the switch that causes a demolisher to explode is on his front side......So, what if you attack him with turrets from behind as he walks down a hall instead?

You're thinking too limitedly and not considering easy to use possibilities just because your primary defense tactic of 'place turrets between me and zombies' will backfire against a demolisher. As I said earlier in the thread, Use some ingenuity. Be creative. Use what you have to your advantage.

Turrets can be used safely against demos, Just gotta be smarter about it..Less hulk smash, more Bruce Banner.

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