over 4 years
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I mean...the Blade traps and at least one of the two turrets are 'Late Game', requiring steel. The majority of existing traps are early or mid game.
Originally posted by xerxius:This. You can't just set and forget traps, Or walls even. Zombies WILL break them eventually, sooner or later.Originally posted by Mr Blue Playdoh: They are useless and break in like 1 hour of a horde nightThey are not useless, you just need to repair them.
Originally posted by Subarc:Ehm.. No? You can very much use turrets against demos. You just have to be intelligent about doing so. The most notable example of which is that the switch that causes a demolisher to explode is on his front side......So, what if you attack him with turrets from behind as he walks down a hall instead?Originally posted by Lelo Mariin: Turrets are not traps. Turrets are a static defence
And yes, you should turn turrets on or off via a switch. To conserve ammo or NOT TO TRIGGER A SWITCH that goes BOOOOOM :![]()
While i understand what you are saying, i think turrets are traps in the sense that zombies walk around a corner,up some steps, past a hole in the wall, etc, and BOOOM! Smoked. Thats a trap and also a defense. I also get that you can turn turrets on and off. My point was that you cant use those defenses/traps late game for fear of triggering demo zombies. So now a late game trap/defense item (turret) is relegated to almost strictly aiming at the sky to kill birds in the late game. I dont think that is a good use for what used to be a great trap/defense.