about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by tazman1: the issue I see is right now the only thing in the INT tree that has value are the more charisma based skills. Adventurer better barter. And the different crafting skills.

They gave INT 1 low tier weapon that they can craft and really between its low durability and its heavy stamina cost the thing is practically useless. Even at quality 6.

Every other Stat has both a melee and a ranged option right out the gate and you can survive easier going up pretty much any other stat with only a 3 point cost in a few select useful skills from other trees.

Been trying to run an INT build and it was 19 levels before I could even put a point in it

Sorry but when the Devs said other builds would be more atractive and useful at earlier levels for this Alpha I imediately thought that meant the only build that could not function till later in game would finally get its time to shine.
Heh.. Your own experience flies in the face of thousands of others that are convinced that INT is the ONLY way to go, who dump every single point into INT to the exclusion of any other tree until they've maxed it and got everything they want from it.

Yes, You don't have a particularly powerful weapon early on. That doesn't matter much when by day 7 you're better armored (In Tier 2 or even Tier 3 light/heavy), better armed (With Q3-Q6 Tier 2 or Tier 3 modded out weaponry), and with a massive stockpile of medical supplies, food, and ammo. Plus better traps, plus you've had a forge/workbench/cement mixer since day 3, plus you got your motorcycle on day 4, plus..plus...plus....

Yes, The high quality weapons you get might not be made for your stat choice. That doesn't matter so much when it's well modded and you have 5x as much ammo as the guy that is specialized in it.

Yes, You aren't specialized in the armor you bought. But you've still got 15 more points of armor rating than the guy that is.

Yes..You might have harder time for the first day or so as you get settled and get the first bit of dukes to start buying equipment from the trader. But what follows after more than makes up for it.


Point is, Ultimately, It's subjective.

For you, You think INT is a waste until later in the game. But.. for many, it's the only choice.

For me personally, Fortitude is the only choice for the early game unless I'm purposefully trying to do a single-stat run for testing purposes.

For others, Strength is the only choice because you get cooking recipes, awesomely powerful weapons, and high quality iron tools ASAP as well as a bonus to harvesting yields.

And so on.