4 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
I see we have yet another rehashed post.
Originally posted by Vanderac: Let’s talk about the core issue here: progression. Right now, it's way too slow. The new magazine system, introduced in A21, is frustrating and feels like a step backward. It’s just too random. If you want to focus on a specific build—say, a bat build—you’ll need all the luck you can get. With the old skill system, at least you could work toward the build you wanted. Now? It’s just pure RNG. You’re left hoping for the right magazines to drop, but it feels like you rarely get what you need. That’s a serious issue because it makes it nearly impossible to craft the exact playstyle you want, which was never the case before.
1. Progression needed to be slowed down. It was stupid that playing past day 21 or so was just rinse and repeat as you plow the hordes with ease. There were a lot of complaints about the game becoming boring too fast because there wasn't anything left after you got OP too fast.

Originally posted by Vanderac: The trader system also feels off. The progression is painfully slow, and the rewards don’t match the effort required. Why are items so expensive compared to what we can actually earn? After grinding for hours, it feels like you’ve barely made any progress. Where is the balance between effort and reward?
Traders were way to OP in a21. Now they have been balanced better, and you're just re-hashing the same complaint from your last paragraph.
IMHO, it still needs to be balanced. However it is much better than it was previously.

Originally posted by Vanderac: And we need to talk about the zombies. They’ve become way too difficult. I can’t even figure out which difficulty level to choose anymore because the zombies feel unpredictable and tougher to manage. Sure, some might enjoy the extra challenge, but for me, it’s hurting the overall experience. The difficulty spike doesn’t seem justified.
Sorry bud, but of all the things you would complain haven't changed, this is one of them.
Difficulty level still works the same as it has for a few years no. Zed AI isn't any different than it was in A21.

Originally posted by Vanderac: Now, let’s be fair: there are some positives. The lighting has definitely improved, especially during nighttime and in interior areas.
No, nighttime has lost the difference from daytime greatly. Lighting at night is just brighter. Isn't a lot of difference since they changed it in a19. There is a thread on this already. I'll link it later.

Originally posted by Vanderac: But here’s the real issue: for an update we’ve waited on for so long, the content just doesn’t live up to the hype. Instead of adding exciting, game-changing features, the game feels like it’s regressing by slowing down progression. It’s fun for a while, but it quickly becomes boring and repetitive.
When you're nearing the end of development, you aren't adding content. You are balancing what content already exists. Which was a large part of the focus for V1.0 as well as finalizing some other systems they have talked about for years.

Originally posted by Vanderac: Another disappointment? The lack of new zombie types. Why haven’t we seen more variety? It’s such a missed opportunity. And we seriously need new trader quests to keep the game feeling fresh. After a while, the missions become repetitive. And then there’s the problem with the textures. Why did they spend time fixing the cotton plant, but leave everything else, like the grass, looking terrible? It’s weird to have well-designed zombies, animals, and characters, but be surrounded by a terrain that’s just ugly and unpolished.
You're just re-hasing things before. You love that they worked on animal textures, but aren't happy that they didn't work on everything. Big surprise. The game isn't finished yet.

Originally posted by Vanderac: To make things worse, I’ve noticed an even bigger hit on performance. My FPS has dropped significantly, especially when adjusting image quality settings. This is a serious step back and makes the game less enjoyable.
This is common if you did not do the needful before starting V1.0.
Most of us are getting same or better performance over previous versions.

Originally posted by Vanderac: Conclusion: 1.0 doesn’t deliver what we’ve been hoping for. Instead of giving us the epic, game-changing update we wanted, it slows the game down, making it feel more like a grind and less rewarding. Sure, there are a few small improvements, but overall, it’s just not enough.

And you, what do you think of 1.0?
So it doesn't deliver what you're looking for. Oh No!

Also, some notable threads you probably should have poked your head in before posting this one.

$44.99 is way too much for this. Even in a 1.0 state.

Pity there is nothing really to do in the game

In Alpha since 2013? [MegaThread]

Water please

food and water

water containers

Is it supposed to be impossibly hard right now?

Please stop simply making the game easier

Thoughts of 1.0 so far

New Blood Moons Ridiculously Overtuned

Why did you make character creation worse?

But that isn't all! There are many other threads here you might want to take a stab at. Just set your max page listing to 50 and take a trip through the first few pages.
4 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Vanderac: 'SylenThunder' Also, I noticed you don’t have the game in your Steam library. If you’re not actively playing or invested in the game, you might not find this discussion as relevant. If you do have thoughts on the topic, we’d love to hear them, but if not, you might prefer checking out other threads.
I do actually. Play quite often. Enjoying the District Zero overhaul right now.
Of all of the games I play, this one has the highest percentage of my time year after year. You can see that on my profile page even. The 6000 hours it currently shows isn't even my full number of hours because it doesn't count offline testing of dev builds, or any of the time I spent testing, troubleshooting, and playing the console versions.

If you want to see my thoughts, I have commented in several of those above threads, and others as well. You will see that I don't agree everything is sugar and spice in the realm of 7 Days. You also might learn some facts you didn't know.

Also keep in mind that from my perspective, I've been playing V1.0 for over a year already, so I have had much more time to adjust to the minor changes. Like code for screamers being fixed finally, and returning to its originally intended state.