5 months
ago -
Direct link
If you're going to start a thread asking a question, you should look through the forum before asking it.
I've wasted some of my personal time pulling links from the first page of threads for you.
Why did you make character creation worse?
armor change dramatically reduces visual customization of characters
The armor bonuses are all over the place and some work properly and some don't
Support & Bug Reports
Worse performance on 1.0 than earlier builds?
Do note that if you didn't nuke everything before starting V1.0, you will have worse performance because you will have stored values for settings that have been changed, or no longer exist. This is covered in detail in the Support Forum section. You just need to go do some research.
1.0 third person disappointment AGAIN
B317 screamer prediction
lmao come back to test the new 1.0 revamp only to....
lets all just migrate back to alpha 16,17,18 or 19
In the future, please be a little more observant, and less self-centered.
I've wasted some of my personal time pulling links from the first page of threads for you.
Why did you make character creation worse?
armor change dramatically reduces visual customization of characters
The armor bonuses are all over the place and some work properly and some don't
Support & Bug Reports
Worse performance on 1.0 than earlier builds?
Do note that if you didn't nuke everything before starting V1.0, you will have worse performance because you will have stored values for settings that have been changed, or no longer exist. This is covered in detail in the Support Forum section. You just need to go do some research.
1.0 third person disappointment AGAIN
B317 screamer prediction
lmao come back to test the new 1.0 revamp only to....
lets all just migrate back to alpha 16,17,18 or 19
In the future, please be a little more observant, and less self-centered.