over 4 years
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How long it takes will depend entirely on your CPU. Saying your server is at 400% CPU is rather pointless also. The server our group uses for hosting is capable of 2400%. So by those standards 400% CPU is only at 16% utilization.
For your average dedi hardware that meets recommended specs, you're looking at 2-3 hours to generate an 8k map. Since map generation was changed in a18, we have been recommending that you generate the map in your client (average 20-25 minutes on recommended hardware), and then copy it over to the server and use it.
This is a result in the map generation being managed by the GPU now, which is something the dedi client doesn't have access to. So it's forced to use the CPU instead, which is considerably slower at performing the calculations.
And all of this is assuming you have an appropriate amount of RAM to generate the map, and it's not having to use swap.
For your average dedi hardware that meets recommended specs, you're looking at 2-3 hours to generate an 8k map. Since map generation was changed in a18, we have been recommending that you generate the map in your client (average 20-25 minutes on recommended hardware), and then copy it over to the server and use it.
This is a result in the map generation being managed by the GPU now, which is something the dedi client doesn't have access to. So it's forced to use the CPU instead, which is considerably slower at performing the calculations.
And all of this is assuming you have an appropriate amount of RAM to generate the map, and it's not having to use swap.