over 1 year ago - madmole - Direct link

There were several reasons to change it.
1.) Water was never a survival issue before. It was something you did once, go craft 500 jars, fill them up and your done for your entire play through.
2.) With unlimited duct tape people could craft OP quantities of things early game. Now its a choice, do use my water to craft duct tape, or do I drink it.

3.) Water jars is some leftover minecraft mechanic the engine had when we started and never a design we wanted. One less wasted slot in inventory.

over 1 year ago - madmole - Direct link

Vocal minority like usual. Some people hate changes, but will come back later and say it was a good change and they were knee jerking. Water is supposed to be a rare commodity in an apocalypse, not all you can drink buffet on day 1.

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