3 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I mean... Going from swinging what feels like 50 times per block to 2 times or even 1 time per block is pretty huge. You can take better advantage of bonuses like the +100% mining gains candy too.

Some people do just use the stone axe forever. It's a bit of a mix in the community. Personally I always get the better tools; I'd rather waste the hotbar spots on specialization and do things in a timely manner than save 2 spaces and take 10-50x longer to do anything that requires me to break something.

There's the same issue of choice in normal tools vs gas tools; Some think the gas tools are must-haves, and some think they're worthless and overblown (I'm the latter in most cases.. There's specific usecases, but i'd never use the gas ones as a general use tool)