Hello there @aguiaredu! Welcome to the forums
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience about the fly agaric in Eurvicscire. I'm glad to hear that you've been able to complete all of the mysteries in the region successfully, even if the X marker for completing this world event seems to be missing from your map.
If anyone has been unable to trigger the fly agaric mystery in Eurvicscire, it would be great to have a video showing this in-game for further investigation! Please can you capture a video which shows the following:
- Your location in-game on the map, showing that you are in the location of a mystery.
- Your location in-game in the world, showing that you are at the spot of a fly agaric mushroom ring, and that you are unable to start the mystery.
I'd recommend uploading this video to a sharing platform, such as YouTube or Google Drive, as this will allow you to post a shareable link within this thread we can take a closer look at.