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Hi Ubisoft Team, since you're abandoning Valhalla soon, can you at least fix the bug plaguing the Smokebomb Arrow? I paid $20 for the Druids DLC only to find out that the Smokebomb effect is inconsistent. There are times Elites are immune to the effect and there are times enemies become immune of the smokebomb when hit a second time.

I don't care how you do it -- just make it so any enemy inside the Smokebomb cloud will start coughing no matter what. That's all I ask. Thank you.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @FarohkTazim

It could just be that as they're elites they're supposed to be a bit harder and enemies are intended to build some immunity to things like that if used multiple times. It's not an issue we're seeing widely reported as a bug where it works on some elites or enemies different than others but if you've got any footage that can show that is the case, we could pass this on to the dev team and see if they can look into this.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@FarohkTazim Hi !

I've taken note of your feedback, as well as the video you created.

It's been forwarded to the Team, and we thank you for it !

We thank you for your patience and understanding on the matter, and if you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to let us know !

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @FarohkTazim - unfortunately we can't promise if it will make it to the last update, but make sure to follow the forums and patch notes for updates, thanks!