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Previously, I reported on the rather unusual bug at Kara’s Arena where switching gear during a challenge while the bare-handed boast was applied caused the emptied weapons to replace whatever spaces were filled during the fighting. Upon further experimentation, I found that there is a related, but different issue with the replacement of displaced gear.... and that happens when leaving Svartalfheim...

To get into specifics... the game seems to remember whatever gear Eivor was wearing in England after entering Svartalfheim. If the player were to switch to a different set of gear where any spaces are empty, OR should the player entire empty out all gear worn, the game will put the original England gear back in any applicable spaces after leaving Svartalfheim...


This is a very strange glitch and I’ve been able to recreate it multiple times using different methods and different loadouts. Any emptied spaces will be filled with the original gear when leaving Svartalfheim. Whether or not it really affects a majority of players is a different question. It definitely does impact the intent of the player’s loadout choices... even if those choices change.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-DeskLamp - Direct link

Hey there again @TheNorfolkian, thanks for reporting this!

To clarify, have you been able to reproduce this on all of the platforms that were tagged on this post?

Additionally, did this only recently start happening or has this been an issue ever since you first started going to Svartalfheim?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

@TheNorfolkian Just to check in, did you first notice this issue immediately after you traveled to Svartalfheim or has this only occurred recently (and functioned normally even after being able to initially travel to this region)?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @TheNorfolkian I have noticed in the video that you provided two examples. In the first example you have your 5th gear loadout selected, you clear it then immediately fast travelled back to England and when you wake up you have the same loadout you had before you cleared it.

In the second example you had your 1st gear loadout selected then you clear the 5th gear loadout and immediately fast travelled back to England and when you wake up the gear from your 1st loadout has been copied into the 5th loadout.

Can you confirm if you clear the loadout that you have selected then go back into the game before fast travelling back to England if the issue still occurs? It is unlikely that many players will have experienced this which is why we have probably not seen any other reports. However, I can still forward this on to the development team.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@TheNorfolkian sorry for the confusion. What I meant is to close the menu screen and return to the game so that you can see the loadout has updated on Eivor.

In the video you clear the loadout then go straight to the map and return to England.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@TheNorfolkian thanks for the video.

Can you also confirm if this occurs when you remove one or several equipped items from Eivor's loadout or does it only occur when you clear the full loadout?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@TheNorfolkian thanks for clarifying this and for the information about the other testing that you did.

I will forward this on to the development team.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@TheNorfolkian you're welcome, and of course we appreciate you reporting this and any other issues that you encounter.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @TheNorfolkian I have checked for an update and the development team have confirmed that they would be unable to look into a fix for this particular issue at this stage as it involves the inventory and is too much of a risk.

As the issue will no longer be investigated, I will now lock this thread.