I conquered an island from NPC, after that I moved the island office to another coast line, in order to shorten the distance my ships need to travel. However, I just tried to create a trading route from my largest island (right in the center of the region) to the island, but the trading route is ending in the middle of nowhere in the south at the edge of the region map.
The ship is sailing out of the map, without changing the region (it does not have to in the first place), coming back and trying to trade the goods in the middle of the sea, without a haven nearby.
I dont get this whole issue. I cannot do anything to change the ending point of the trade route, I just can place two land marks influencing the route, but it always ends on this certain point at the edge of the map.
Might this be related to the latest update?
I dont know if you get my problem, in case not I could try to provide some printscreens or something similiar....