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As my PC is connected to a TV ideally I would like the font to be slightly larger.
I noticed in the September patch notes the size of UI text can now be increased up to a font size of 28
Does anyone know how to do this? I have looked in the options and also in the ini file but cant see a way to do it.
A couple of other people have asked the same question but did not get a satisfactory answer.
Can anyone please help? My old eyes need a little help these days
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hi Bluebbe3,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for getting in touch.

For an easier way to change the UI in the game for a large screen, select options and under Gameplay, select Large Subtitles. Then go to the Graphics settings and select Upscaling for your TV.

If this does not help, try lowering the resolution in your Nvidia / AMD control panels as this sometimes helps me when I play PC games on my larger TV screen.

Failing that, I have reached out to the game team for more information on this and I will update you when I can.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Bluebbe3
Thanks for the info Ubi-Milky.
I will try your suggestions, hopefully it will help.
If you can find any info on increasing the font size it would be appreciated. Just seems strange that the patch notes state the font size can be increased, yet there is
no info anywhere on how to do it.
Many thanks once again.

I followed this up with Ubi-Milky for you. Our Anno 1800 customer support team wasn't certain what the patch notes were referring to, however they were able to offer suggestions that will hopefully help.

In the options you will find the option "Radeon Image Sharpening", you can use this function to increase your UI size in-game.

I hope that helps!