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Le BUG sur les mysteres Amanite tue mouche persiste malgré le nombre de mise à jour.
Le bug intervient seulement sur les défis ou il faut vaincre tout les ennemis Jötnar. En cause le defis du Suthsexe et le defis en Norvège.

Ce qu'il se passe : Après plusieurs dégâts causé à l'ennemie, L'Ours et le lynx reprennent leurs apparence Jötnar. Problème, aussi tôt ceux-ci sont considéré comme des alliés et il devient impossible de les vaincre.

Plateforme : PS5

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Litten - Direct link

Thanks for getting in contact, however our team are only able to offer support on these forums in English at this time, apologies for this.

If you still require assistance and would like to request support in your preferred language in the French language forums, or via our social media accounts on Twitter or Facebook.

Alternatively, if you'd like to translate your query we'd be happy to assist you here.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Litten - Direct link

Thanks for getting in contact, however our team are only able to offer support on these forums in English at this time, apologies for this.

If you still require assistance and would like to request support in your preferred language in the French language forums, or via our social media accounts on Twitter or Facebook.

Alternatively, if you'd like to translate your query we'd be happy to assist you here.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for updating us with that link you have provided @azullfr, to the new Discussions French forums.

A good day to you too friend! 🤙

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for updating us with that link you have provided @azullfr, to the new Discussions French forums.

A good day to you too friend! 🤙