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At the near beginning of the newest scenario, 'Pride and Peddlers', I began the quest chain of interacting with Paloma and received a letter. Before being told to do so, I opened it quickly and read its contents. I noticed that I got the objective "Read Paloma's Letter" after I clicked on/opened the quest letter. When I exited the letter, it disappeared from my ship inventory and the objective to read the item was still there. I tried to find it at my trading post or anywhere else- it wasn't there. I tried deleting/abandoning the quest and it didn't reappear. So, I couldn't have continued this scenario run and had to restart.

I believe the issue is I was going too fast, but I just wanted to note this in case anyone else had this issue as well.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @Pinepyi , thanks for letting us know about this. I understand you've found the 'read Paloma's letter' objective to not be met upon performing this action, leaving you no way to progress. Sorry about that! Certainly sounds frustrating to have to restart 😞

I've gone ahead and let our team know about this.

You mentioned you may have been playing it too quickly. Can you tell me how long you'd been playing the scenario before you got to this point? This may help our team to reproduce the error on our side.

Can you also make sure you've run through the troubleshooting guide, to make sure the game is running in the way we'd expect? In particular from the guide, please make sure you are running the game with administrator rights, you've verified the game files, you've got your graphics drivers and Windows install fully updated, and you've (at least temporarily, for testing) deactivated all background programs, including any mods. 

If it happens again, please let me know. Sorry once again!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Pinepyi

It's OK, the dev team have reproduced the issue and a fix is on the way 🙂

No date available to share as of yet, but keep an eye on the News and Announcements section for when we post patch notes (or just check in game after each patch)