Original Post — Direct link

I've just bought 1800 sw. After installing, with a w10 pc, 8gb ram, intel 4400 video graphics, I can see few screen, just choose avatar, game mode etc. When program start to load., all crash
I attach two system file PLease tell me what can I do, or I put my money in trash....
I no have NVIDIA GRAPHICS OR amd radeon...

about 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@stevegrifone Hey there! Sorry to hear you've been having these crashes. As a first step, can you please complete the basic PC troubleshooting in our article here?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@Qasrei Hey there, sorry to hear you're also having trouble launching the game! First of all, please make sure that you meet the minimum requirements for the game. If you haven't already, please also run through our basic PC troubleshooting guide.