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I have done like 30 animal expeditions and always get the same sea animals only as a reward. Only once i have an elephant from expeditions. Other time only same dublicates of sea animals. Is there any fix for this?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by fish_mac
Hello together,
since i´ve got the same problem after several month and updates...i´m curious. Is there any kind of known reason for this bug? Or even better...a solution?
i mean...having a Anno SeaLife is fun but Its kind of frustrating after a while.

is it a thing of DLCs enabled/disabled? I have a few other savegames without this bug, and every game has a diffrent DLC setup?

The buggy safegame has:
-Sunken Treasures
-Seat of Power
-Bright Harvest
- every cosmetic DLC available

thank you and greetings from germany
Hello, I'm sorry to hear you're facing the same issue!

I have looked into this however it doesn't appear to be a known issue, so I don't think it has been well reported on.

Can you please give me a rough estimate of how many expeditions you have done, and what rewards you have received?

We will also require your save file, which can be found using the following support article: https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Article/000063645

If you're able to provide us with a link to your save file that would be great, and we'll do our best to investigate.

Thank you!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by fish_mac
Hello and thank you for your response.

I think i´ve done 10-12 3-Star expeditions for new species. The most often Items were i think the "Black Swallower", the "Goblin Shark" and the " Helmet Jellyfish". One of these three Items were nearly guaranteed So there was at least one Item from "Abyssal Depth"-Set per expedition.
Apart from these Items there were only Fish/Sea Creature items.

I think only two expeditions got me the "Orang-Utan" and the "Giant Deer", which is not bad

This is the latest save file of the buggy game:

Thank you for your work and help.
Thanks for reporting this to us. I've raised this for further investigation and provided your save file to the team.