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So I haven't been able to play Anno 1800 for a few months now. Within seconds sometimes minutes the game play will freeze, the soundtrack continues and I can scroll around the current map, but I can't select anything nor change regions. This continues on for several minutes until the machine completely crashes and I have to reset. Any help?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Cristos-X   

I'm sorry to hear your game is crashing and not really responding as it should. Please just run through the steps in this article and just see if there's anything you haven't tried yet first of all, just to rule out any of the most common causes of issues on PC. 

If you still have issues after this, we would need to look into your system files (DX Diag and MSINFO) to get a better look at what could be the cause.

To send us the files, please reach out via support ticket / live chat or social media private message on the links below:

Live Chat (when available)

Twitter Direct Message

Facebook Private Message

If contacting on Twitter or Facebook messages, please provide your account username and email, so we can link the chat to a support case so you can attach the files. 

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Cristos-X

Live chat is only available during the afternoon and will depend on your region but you should be able to open a support ticket on the same link anyway and attach them to that and you'll get an email reply when there is an update to it.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Cristos-X

Live chat availability is based on your local time zone, not an international time zone.

It looks like an agent has responded on your case with some troubleshooting recommendations. In order to not cause any confusion or doubling-up of any steps we would both end up recommending, I would suggest following along and respond on your support ticket for now!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

@chang92077193 There is steps mentioned just above on how to change to DX11.