Original Post — Direct link

I have had way too many issues with this game over the years and now it is broken.

Since the last update I have not been able to play the game at all. The game will load into a black screen with the anno cursor.

I started having issues as soon as Highlife came out. It would act like did not own it, then after rebooting it would show up again. Now it is just broken.

I have over 700+ hours in this game and all the issues started last year. I have spent way too much money on this game to have it broken.

Lastly, I want a fix and not to be told to turn of Hyperthreading or something else on my computer. If the game cannot run with hyperthreading or has issues because there is two GPUs in the system, it is not the computers fault it is how it is programed and it needs to be fixed.

Here is the list of things I have done to try and resolve this issue.

Reinstalled the game.

Reinstalled uplay/ also made sure it was on the same drive as anno 1800.

turned off SLI.

Reinstalled windows.

Updated all drivers and BIOS.

Updated Windows.

Altered the INI file to boot with DirectX 11 and 12.

Deleted the INI file so it would have to create one on boot.

Verified all of the file's multiple times.

Tried to Boot in offline mode.

Tried to boot the game with admin privileges.

I'm sure I have done more than this also.



about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hi @Tru_ryan. I apologize you are unable to launch your game. We are currently looking into an issue that is causing the game to launch to a black screen. Could you please start a support ticket with this information and provide your system files for this investigation? Thank you in advance!